Trigag: DKMU Godform Cycle week four

in #dkmu7 years ago


It was the first day of DKMU godform cycle week with Trigag. The altar was set up in advance but I still hadn't composed the incense for him. I had some work to do and I decided to get on with it but my laptop wouldn't boot up. It seemed to get stuck in sleep mode, unable to shut down or wake up. At first I panicked. It's a fairly new piece of equipment that costed a nice sum of money and is essential to my work. After few minutes of absolute terror and anxiety I managed to get a grip on myself. 'Hang on, didn't I see this happen before?' I thought to myself. 'Ok Trigag, have it your way!'. Instead of working on other stuff I went to my herbs and spices drawer, pulled out all I had in there and began testing the ingredients.

I went through a similar process with each one of the spirits. I light up candles on the altar, did a short meditation to get a feel for the spirit and then proceeded to select and test different ingredients. Some would be rejected immediately, some would be selected and the rest put into the 'maybe' pile. Then I combine all sure choices and decide if I want to add anything else from the maybe pile. For Trigag I chose peat, labdanum and black pepper, a delightful combination!

After the incense was composed I burned some of it on the altar and I tried to boot up my laptop again. It did so with no further issues. Strange behaviour of electronic devices seemed to plague Trigag week but we didn't worry about any of it again. It's simply Trigag's way of getting attention.

The first evening I perceived the energy and vibe of Trigag to be somewhat vampiric. I had images right out of Nosferatu flooding my mind. Another association that came up for me was the terror experienced when confronted with the unknown. I could not help but see the parallel with Ino. She seems to be the euphoric aspect of confronting the new while Trigag is the fear.

UFO Tarot: Ace of Cups

New ideas and excitement are often signs of the beginning of a new cycle.


Trigag turned out much less intimidating and unpleasant than I expected. My main take out from the week of working with him was to confront my own feelings and fears regarding the future. It's natural and necessary to take care of your own survival and sometimes you do it at the cost of someone else’s happiness and well being. This somewhat crude and brutal truth stands in contrast to what our society preaches. It is also often used as an excuse for the abuse of power, greedy hoarding of wealth and exploitation. Each one of us has to find where the line between the two lies.

Automatic drawing



Towards the end of our week with Trigag we decided to scry from the bowl of salted cuttlefish ink we kept on the altar. We placed it on a silver brass tray and stared into the blackness. First I saw the bowl as a doorknob and a metallic hatch, then the nob tuned into a pipe or a tunnel. I tried to go in with my mind but before I did the vision blurred and I saw the bowl on a tray overflowing. It made me think of the black cancer from X files. Next the black swirled and turned into an ammonite. My thoughts drifted towards Ancient Egypt and Nile crocodiles. I also saw a group of cartoon seals like from the 'Song of the Sea' animation we watched recently.


Black Triangle UFO

On the last evening we offered Trigag some Black Sambuca. During my meditation I had a vision of being taken inside of a giant black triangle ufo. Inside I found damp, humid and stale air and a maze of uniform looking corridors. I was followed by an invisible entity down a spiral staircase. At the bottom of it there was a black void, like a black whole swallowing everything. After arriving at its edge I looked to see the earth disappearing in the distance. I looked in terror and in wonder. The vision faded. When it did I noticed a spider running across the floor.


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