Having The BALLS To Move Something Heavy [Leverage, Rollers and Ancient Technologies.]

in #diy6 years ago

How did we ever build anything before the industial age, before machines?

Before we had great big machines, we built so many amazing wonders and have no idea how some of them were created.


Machu Picchu, one of my favorite places... I've actually been banned from there but that's a story for another post! Source

Ok the first wonder we typically think of is in Egypt... I've never been there, not yet. I'm sure it's amazingly beautiful but I have seen Machu Picchu and other sites that were built with incredibly large stones, sometimes harvested from a very far location. Can you imagine the treacherous paths they had to go through?

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This summer we had the opportunity to have a dozen chickens, already grown and laying plenty of eggs...


We failed miserably, broke a friend's heart and lost the chickens to the forest!

Through misunderstandings between myself and my friend (who was moving to California and giving us his chickens), the chickens who were already roaming free took it upon themselves to search for food further and further away from their coop. No one was feeding them and they dicided to fend for themselves. Pretty clever little birds they were!

By the time I could finally get the birds, my friend had moved, his roommates had stopped taking care of them and the chickens had gone completely feral... not even coming back to the coop. Perhaps they were eaten by predators but rumor is there's a flock of wild chickens running around somewhere deep in the forest! I hope so for them, but I do feel bad for misunderstanding our arrangement.

But we will be ready next spring for sure!

My friend gave me his forgiveness and said he would have more soon again as he's moved back to town. California really wasn't his thing and we knew it!

We went one last time looking for signs of birds but there was none. We did grab an old coop to use next year, this one I built with my friend a few years back. Funny how things sometimes cycle back 😊!


I know it doesn't look all that big really, but it was way too heavy for the both of us to lift.

How did we move this heavy chicken coop across the forest floor?



We found the balls to move the coop with, laying there, on the forest floor a few feet away.

We tried to lift it and knew right away this wasn't going to happen. We were ready to give up and drive back home with this trailer of ours that isn't street legal because it's not registered, every trip must count!

We flipped the coop on its roof and started thinking hard.... couldn't we flip this thing end over end until we got to the driveway? Ok that was the plan and then these three bright white marble balls jumped out of the forest screaming Hello, Hello, use me!


Ok so that worked really well, it reminded me of the day we had to move a tree by hand that had fallen on the drivway before our off-grid home was delivered!


Lifting one side wasn't a problem and with a partner or two to put the first ball under the upside down coop it was easy as cake!


And just like that we pushed the chicken coop, the ball started rolling and we put a second one in front of it to keep the momentum going and a third.


When ball number one came out of the back we moved it forward to continie rolling. The great thing about the sphere is that you can not only move something heavy in a straight line but you can also turn it however you need with very little effort.

I am so greatful for having seen the little marble wonders who offered themselves to help our cause. I am not sure if we could have made it this easy otherwise... even with a few more hands. It really was seamless.

I hope you will find inspiration in this post for creating a system when there isn't anything available... When there's a will there's way!


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The @EcoTrain has made me very happy and proud to be a part of it, have a look at what other passengers have been writing

If you really want to know what is inside this Coconut, take a look at my Humans Of Steemit.

QUOTE OF THE MONTH: @Flemingfarm
If you don't like your surroundings, change them
If you don't like your situation, change it.
If you don't like your decisions, make different ones.
All of this leads to the life that YOU want to lead, not the one others want you to lead.

Life is like chess, always try and think at least 5 moves ahead, and if you can see the dead ends you can avoid them.

(If you want a quote of yours posted here for a month please let me know)

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Nothing like getting organic eggs. My wife's cousin lives up the road a country mile. She raises several different kinds of chickens. We barter with her for the eggs. Home made Maple syrup, a little home grown and some home made jellies keep us in eggs. She just started selling eggs and asked if I could make her a sign, here it is.


Sorry can not get the picture to stand upright.

Did a short post post about this three months ago. If you get a moment you may want to check it out.

Am following, love the nature of your topics. @thebigsweed

Thank you for the follow😁. Great sign, I really like that the knot in the wood looks like an egg inside the chicken!

We're making all sorts of connections here to hopefully be in better bartering position soon. Nice trade you've got going. And yeah real eggs are delicious!

Cool story. Ingenuity wins the day! Too bad about the chickens... maybe they decided to follow your friend to Cali. Having heard good things about the free range chicken culture out here. lol

Haha, yeah maybe they did! The weathwr is getting grim over here. You're making me want to go to Cali... all the leaves are brown

Those balls look like eggs! :) I was going through the post, looking at the photos and thinking to myself, THOSE EGGS WILL BRAKE, ARE THEY CRAZY!? :D :D :D Ok, I get now that they are not eggs hihi. Good job with doing this and why are you banned from Machu Picchu? I did not know such a thing was even possible.

Ah Machu Picchu... we were forced to sneeck into the site in the middle of the night, looking for shelter from a heavy downpour. Through our visit tje nextday someone askwd us for our entry tickets but we had none. The police got invikved and long story short, our passport num ers were written down in some notebook and we were from that point on supposedly banned from re-entry for life!

I want to make jokes about your balls.. I have about twenty. But ill keep it clean.

Love your ingenuity. We moved a MASSIVE rock once by doing a similiar thing with round fence posts. We felt like we were shifting Stonehenge. And last week we moved a VERY heavy stone benchtop we found for free by sliding it over round posts too. Both would have crushed your balls 🤣😜 Oh oops I couldnt help it...!!!

Haha, excellent! I thought more people would have made ball jokes with that title. Thanks for your humour!

Yeah it's amazing though how this kind of stuff makes you feel like you're some kind of ancient stone mover from those days like Stonehenge

Perhaps people are too polite. Not me haha. Although I did hold back because I had about 54 jokes and all of them were euphemisms if not downright naughty. I thought of you yesterday when we were moving our triangular chicken house with no floor on it. We just managed to get it into the back of our paddock bomb utility. It is such a mess but we got it in the right spots and now we have to think about how we will renovate it. I am dying to get more chickens

Posted using Partiko Android

Ah the ol' padlock bomb utility! Is that a truck or something or a golf cart type thing made for off roading?

Our coop was also very messy and dirty, no floor either so we rolled it on its roof... jokes would have been good River, I can handle them. I don't get offended too easily!

I wanna see this triangular renivation when you guys get on it. I've never had chickens... after this winter for sure we'll get started in that adventure

We are getting on it this weekend full stop chickens are awesome oh, we had our last lot taken by Foxes so I have gone without all winter. I miss hanging out with them as they are such gentle things. They also provide fertilizer for my garden and pick over straw for weeds and seeds so they are so useful. As we have 5 acres it seems silly not to have chooks xx

Posted using Partiko Android

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