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RE: WEEKLY CURATION REPORT: 13 November 2018 - 20 November 2018

in #diy6 years ago

Soon I'll have more time to scour Dtube for content, but it looks like you already have a collection started.


Yeah no worries or pressure!
It is not about work but about sending love and motivation to creators.
Take your time and just comment if you spotted a valuable content :)

Thanks for being in the team!


Trying to get a race car builder into creating videos. Everything he does applies to Cars in general, but a race Car builder has the unique opportunity to regularly cover one aspect of Car repair as race Cars really take a beating on the track. Race Cars are built so they come apart easy and they have no interior/seating etc. to get in the way of a clear Camera shot. I'm going to do whatever I can to get this guy set up and going :)

Awesome engagement my friend!
I am curious about these videos :)


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