How to 2x Your Content Quality For Less Than $10

in #diy6 years ago

Your Shopping List For the Grocery Store

  • Crayola Markers (or similar)
  • Sticky Notes
  • White Board (if cheap one is available - mine was $1)
  • Sharpie (King Size)
  • Tablecloth (1-2, your choice of color)

Simple Methods For Easy Quality Boost

While I was watching a lot of Casey Neistat videos over the last few days, I realized how much untapped potential there is to create better content on Steem.

The average blogger on Steem writes some decent words, slaps a few public source images on it, and calls it a day. I’m guilty of this at times. More ambitious people will create their own videos or images, although even the best Steemians tend to include no more than 1-2 original images per post.

Watching any of Casey’s content shows what is possible. The level of intricate detail and creativity in his vlogs is stunning, it surprised me.

Sometimes you have to see an example of something to realize how obvious it is. In this case, it was a video where he demonstrates all of his video studio stuff, which is mostly homemade. It’s a lot of basic shit - curtains and drawers and light switches arranged in the right way.

Maybe 50% of the technology and gear is completely out of reach for me, but the other 50% is basic dollar store and hardware store kinds of stuff.

That’s what inspired me to go to the dollar store and pick up some basic supplies.

The Key to Original Blog Content Including Images

You have to keep it simple if you want to have all of your content be original. In the past, this eluded me. I was stuck in the “Quality OR Quantity” mindset where I’d figure out ways to do awesome things, but it would take 20 hours for one post.

Now it seems like the key is to build up an awesome home studio where you can do everything you need as efficiently as possible. For me that means being able to use my cell phone / GoPro / laptop camera, take quick photos of things, and draw images IRL. Digital work takes a lot longer for me than it does to write with my hand and snap a photo, as long as I have the right materials.

Going forward, it is no longer acceptable for me to use stock photography. I don’t want that kind of vibe on my blog.

Instead I hope to expand on the kinds of content I can make in my own home so I can churn out creative and interesting content every day for my Steem blog, from music to visuals to words.

On Rushing Towards Better Content

There is a rush and there isn’t a rush.

On There Being No Rush:

Learning and getting better at anything takes time. Sometimes there are long plateaus that lead to tremendous, unpredictable breakthroughs.

The study of “meta-learning” is cool but it has its limits. You can learn to do things efficiently when they have been done before, like learning to cook better or memorize a deck of cards. But if you’re trying to do something new, something based on your own personal passions and unique blend of interests, there is no hope of efficiency.

Creative success doesn’t have a schedule. You can write and create all day every day and have nothing good at the end of the week, or the month, or maybe even the season. Emotionally it is important to not be too results-oriented in the short term.

On There Being a Rush

The potential for social media is immense. There have been so many creative movements in the past based on the search for creative control and the ability to do what the artist wants. Now, it’s possible for artists to do exactly what they want.

You can be yourself, do your own style, and build it up on social media. It’s an incredible opportunity. It might not last forever.

If I do good work 40 out of 52 weeks for each of the next three years, I have 100 productive weeks until I am 30. If I want to reach my goals for that timeframe, each work week between now and then is 1% of my total work.

In that sense there is a huge rush. One percent is a lot when you have big goals and there is a sense of urgency to do something awesome every time.

This motivates me. I like the pressure. Every week is a new battle.

Anybody Can Play The Game

I feel lucky that I’m able to “play the game” of social media creation / influence / popularity. It’s much better to be in a game with rules and points to be earned - even if the rules are dictated by societal forces out of any one person’s control, and are always shifting around - than to be sitting around hoping to get picked by the powers that be.

Making a meaningful 1% step forward in life can be made possible by going to the store with $10 in hand. It’s cool to live in the time of human history where that is true.

If you were going to spend $10 to improve your blog, what would you do?


I think you are raising a really good point and I agree that original images/videos do make post's better, for the most part. I'm definitely guilty of using images that i find on the internet. I find that time is a major factor - at least for me. It takes me a long time to write an article and I'm mostly trying to find the time to do it between my other obligations (school, work...etc). So it is challenging to create my own images on top of that. This time issue may not a great excuse though.

you make a really good point though so i'm going to consider this. No promises - I can't change over night hahaha but maybe I'll start doing some more personalized blogs that would make it easier and more necessary to create my own images.

You are hitting on the key point here @leaky20. Its a difference between short term truth/long term truth.

In the short term, time is a huge problem for you (and me and most people) and you can't simply "brute force" through it. I never stay up all night to work, thats not my way. All you can do is do small experiments and push yourself one step forward - maybe, for example, trying your best to do one original image per post.

in the long term - the time issue isnt a good excuse. Thats where the "figure it out no matter what" kind of mentality kicks in. Because the challenge of "Have good, original images in 6 months" is a doable challenge for anybody with a computer and a steem account.

So, I challenge you to figure out the first step within one month. What you can do to make one step forward, is to have an original starting image for each new post, beginning within a month from now. Since the 1st image is the thumbnail on Steemit, this is a major boost.

That's a fair challenge. I may alter it a bit lol. How about I strive for one full on original post every two weeks...hahaha is that a cop out?

That works!! love it

Sometimes you have to use stock photos. Im my case I write articles about Magic the Gathering and need to show certain cards for my examples. I can hardly make my own snaps for these as they are static images of the cards themselves.

Sure that is a pretty clear exception

I really like the idea of real world cartooning as an addition. Nice simple ideas here.

On the 'busy' side of things I distinguish between what I call 'churn' posts - an hour or less for daily output then more quality posts which I may only do once a week or less.

Personally I find simple mind, publisher amd ppt saved as pngs ideal for images.

But yr right, there's alot more we xld be doing... sock puppets???

On the 'busy' side of things I distinguish between what I call 'churn' posts - an hour or less for daily output then more quality posts which I may only do once a week or less.

AMEN! This is how I think of it too. A post like this one can take me 3-4 hours easy, and some big projects take dozens of hours. What excites me about the methods from this post is that I could feasibly put together original images for a post in 5 minutes if it's just the markers and paper. So it could work even with "churn" posts I hope

I think so! Sounds like yr on to a winner for sure.

I'm a terrible artist, cat's have difficulty with perceptualism and the human concept of astetics 😸 Steemit is firstly a bloggers site, the keyboard is my canvas.

I'm with you, writing was what originally drew me to Steem as well. If you are able to have fun and achieve a satisfactory experience here purely by writing, more power to you, that's awesome.

Yes, I agree. Seeing the memes, lousy photos with limited writing, stolen content, reposts and other low quality content begging for random followers is annoying. I like your work, keep it up!

I found your post on twitter. Glad to connect there. I'm a fan of Casey too.

I am a blogger for over 15 years now and I will pass over a post with a stock image 95% of the time. If I can post my crappy photos, anyone can. The effort to look through stock is mind-numbing and I don't want to read what a person who does that has to say.

Awesome @fitinfun, thats good to know that my Twitter account is doing some work. Yea you're right, I think any person who is just looking for real entertainment/content will never look at a brand that uses gratuitous stock photos all the time.

That's actually a good idea for pics man.

In fact, we don't need to buy supplies, just a drawing app on our smartphones or tablets and making a virtual drawing like the ones in your pics!

Cheers mate!

Yea you can use digital apps but they often look worse IMO unless you have skills. At least I was never able to get as good results.

Off but: *some homoerotic joke about you being more handsome when shaven*

. >_> yea I had to get rid of that beard it was too much

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