D.I.Y. Failure - Audio Spectrum Indicator (2) | D.I.Y. 失敗了 - 音樂頻譜顯示燈 (二)

in #diy7 years ago (edited)


After all the resistors and capacitors, I then soldered about a dozen of LEDs.



After those few nights' tough work, I decided to pause and do some testing first. Since all ICs, capacitors and resistors were in place, I was expecting the LEDs would have some kind of lighting patterns if I input some music to it.



So I plugged in the micro USB power line and that was what went wrong! The micro USB connector fell off from the PCB! I was shocked at that moment! First thing I could think of was the connector was not soldered properly. Then I decided to fix it by myself! I tried to soldered it and of course not successful and it ended up like this:

所以我就插入電源而問題就在這裏出現了。那個micro USB插頭居然整個掉了下來。 當時我第一個想法是那個插頭焊接得不好!然後我就想自己嘗試補救最後當然是失敗收場,落得這個樣子:


So I had to call Customer Service of the seller. After they looked at the photo above, they said it was me failed to soldered it right, but then they realized it was the USB connector that fell off, they said it wad not their fault, it had been tested at factory.



I didn't think it was useful to fight with them over the internet, so I gave up asking for compensation. Instrad, I ordered one PCB and one full set of it as I still wanted to get one of that kind of indicator. I was planning to detach all the components from the damaged PCB and solder them to the next spare PCB, use that as practices and then build the indictor using the next set.



A week later, the new order arrived. I was so disappointed to find that the micro USB connectors were not even soldered! I found customer service again and they said soldering of USB connectors before shipment was a randon act of the engineers, not guaranteed!



After some discussed, the seller only agreed to solder them back of I ship the PCBs and micro USB connectors back to them. I gave that up bacuase it was too troublesome and costly to do so. Now I ended up with 2 sets of components but couldn't complete them. I guess I need to practice more to get to the skill level before I can start it again.




Please Follow! Upvote! Resteem!

D.I.Y. Failure - Audio Spectrum Indicator (1) | D.I.Y. 失敗了 - 音樂頻譜顯示燈 (一)


oh so that's why it was not working ...no worries better luck next time :)

this is great investing sir and thanks for sharing this, this is something new to me.

Better luck next time I should say ;)

practice makes a man perfect always :) keep trying


dear friend @guyverckw
your work is well you are very intellengt writer i hope your success is very soon?? Thank you i support you everytime but i want to you support me alltime thanks for this post,,,,

looks so troubled for sure the shopkeeper will fix it lets hope


you will learn along for sure keep sharing :)

it has a lot of work to be done very hard to put all together

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