Digital Identification Wallet (DIW) to save the 21st-century digital world through the blockchain

in #diwtoken6 years ago (edited)

Digital Identification Wallet (DIW) to save the 21st-century digital world through the blockchain Keeping data secure from intruders in the present advanced world isn't as simple as we might think.

With such an extensive amount of our private, individual, and business data being transmitted on the web every day, tight security and protection have become necessities for everybody.

Information and digital assets are equally becoming mainstream in whatever we do today and as a greater amount of our lives are spent on the web, we are catching wind of more information ruptures and hacks than any time in recent memory.

The DIW’s Solution, technology, ICO & Team !

Despite the fact that blockchain innovation is still in its earliest stages, there are a couple of startups building up some extraordinary projects.


The DIW group sets out to offer its token holders an exceptionally knotted, secure and private decentralized ecosystem where they may store their electronic information and individual data and also share their information securely.

One particular component of DIW is the variety of ways a client can use it. Shoppers can make all the varied exchanges at a reasonable rate with its cutting-edge payment solutions. Purchasers can also store the greater part of their secret data in a secured DIW vault.

The amount of data one can store is crazily enormous, including Identification archives, wills, monetary records, and many other digital assets. These groups would be seamlessly linked to enable fast transfers either by fiat or cryptocurrencies.

The provision of an escrow platform allows website owners, e-commerce businesses, and individuals to put trust, not in third parties, but in smart contracts, to make and receive payments.

DIW's blockchain depends on Etherium, and because of issues of scalability, DIW leverages the Raiden Network to achieve near-instant, seamless, and near-free transaction processing.

This is intended to supplement Ethereum, including ERC20 tokens. The Raiden Network is basically Ethereum's answer for adaptability issues and is Ethereum's adaptation of Bitcoin Lightning Network and would help DIW to achieve its dream of creating the new digital world.

The DIW token is proposed to be utilized on its platform and in this manner, it is less of a speculation and more of a utility token. There is a settled supply of 1 billion DIW tokens. 70% of the aggregate supply will be accessible during crowdsale, 15% is held for the token authors, 5% is saved for the counsels and founders, 2% is kept for bounties and remaining 8% is saved for future development.


Every single unsold token will be burnt toward the end part of the crowdsale. Contingent upon the quantity of tokens one purchases in this ICO, there will be an alternate reward. The DIW's ICO will be done once the Hard-Cap amount of 58 million USD has been accomplished.
The budding team behind the revolution

The group behind DIW proves to have the best expertise. The team is built around 17 people with varying backgrounds, including, security, cryptography, the blockchain, engineering,and business strategy. It houses a Telegram following of nearly 8000 members, 4000 Twitterfanatics, and 3000 Facebook followers.

The most expensive and important assets in our current world and the years to come is digital information. With this in mind, DIW is poised to be the Google of the future.

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Eth Address: 0x57e323cE0E96a30b321F30A32bd4584197ea399c

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