WARNING! "Divorcing + Remarrying = Adultery", Says the LORD

in #divorce8 years ago

My Christian brother, my Christian sister, I would like to start this video with a warning!

This video is NOT addressed to you if you are the kind of Christian whose ears are always itching to hear nothing but nice things from your pastor, that is to say things that you like and do not contradict not your sinful lifestyle.

This video is not for you if you live in sin and delight in your sinful life. You can close it immediately and search on You Tube or Daily Motion other videos that teach what you want to hear and not what God want you to hear.

This video is only for every Christian who hates sin with all his heart, seeks to please God and to Jesus Christ, and wants to escape the flames of hell at all costs.

Many people watching this video will be furious in their heart, gnash their teeth against me, block their ears, and cast stones at me just as the Jews did to Stephen in Acts Chapter 7 simply because he was telling them the truth.

I don't care at all, my brother, my sister, I don't care at all, I will still preach God's truth and God's will for you even if that puts my life at risk or costs me your friendship or your sympathy.

If I wanted to please men, I would no longer be a servant of Jesus Christ.

My prayer is that the Holy Spirit convict you of sinfulness, touch your hardened heart and lead you to repentance, without which you will end up hell.

Anyone, Christian or non Christian, who divorces and remarries commits adultery in the eyes of God. Any man or woman who marries a divorced person also commits adultery in the eyes of God.

You, Christian single, before you get married, do yourself a service by finding out first of all whether the person your are dating got married in the past. If that's the case, get out of this relationship immediately, despite all the love you may have for the person, otherwise you will chain your whole life in bondage to adultery by marrying a divorced person.

And you, Christian who is currently married to a divorced person, or who remarried after divorcing, God's will for you is that you repent and that you to put an immediate end to this so-called marriage which is nothing but an adulterous union in God's eyes, regardless of the number of children you got or how long it lasted, and no matter all the houses or properties you have acquired together.

A divorced person has only two options according to the Lord, either reconciling with his or her spouse, or remaining without doing sex until his or her death. We can NOT get married more than once says the Lord!

If you have a different opinion on this issue, I suggest that you take time to seriously and sincerely pray to God and HE, Himself will ENLIGHTEN you on what I am telling you here.

Adultery, like any other form of fornication, will shut you out of heaven and throw in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone according to 1 Corinthians 6 v.10 and Revelation 21 v. 8.

Divorcing and remarrying, or marrying a divorced person is an abomination to God. God has not instituted marriage to be broken. No divorce in God's plan for men and women. I'll now show that to you through the Bible which is the Word and the Will of God revealed to mankind.

1 Samuel 16 v. 7 shows you that God does not consider or look at the things people consider or look at; you could get married 10 times or 15 times according to your tradition, or before the mayor, or before a judge or any other human institution, but for God, you can marry ONLY once; marrying more than once nothing but adultery.

All these pastors and other men of God who are supposedly marrying divorced people will render account one day to God as they are just locking up these people in the abomination of adultery.

Remarrying after divorce is a big trap that satan has been using to lead many people to hell with him. Millions and millions of Christians will be surprised to find himself in hell one day just because they remarried after divorcing, or for marrying a divorced person.

God is warning you today through my mouth so that you can avoid this trap, or get out of it immediately if you have already sunk in it.

Jesus tells you in John 14 v. 15 that the proof of your love for Him is that you keep His Commandments. Let's examine what are the LORD'S commandments about marriage and divorce.

I advise you to open your Bible and read along these Words from the Lord.
In Matthew 5 v. 32, Jesus declares that whoever divorces his wife for any reason except unfaithfulness or sexual immorality causes her to commit adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.


Kid of God, I admire your determination to stand up for the Word of God. If your parents are divorced you have my sympathy. Do you remember Esther from the Bible? Is Esther in Hell for marrying a divorced man? Is King David and his son Solomon in Hell for marrying more than once? King David married a 2nd wife, after his 1st wife left him and married another man. Do you think divorce was okay in OT times but God changed His mind for NT times? I think the natural law doesn't change, the meaning of marriage remains the same, and marrying another man's wife is always adultery except for formication or if she be a widow. Otherwise the Catholics are right about veneration: idolatry was a sin during OT times but not in NT times. It is Quasi Catholic doctrine by Roman Catholic gentiles. It has no place in Protestant churches. Don't forget your Hebrew spiritual roots, else you might as well be Catholic. The famous Evangelist preacher, Dr. Kent Hovind, married a divorced woman, which I consider is adultery but it's not the unforgivable sin, as some Quasi Catholics and some Roman Catholics insist. Quasi Catholics have actually changed the definition of marriage many times, so there's no integrity with banning divorce https://steemit.com/christianity/@biblenerd/marriage-already-redefined-many-times-2017811t5254415z

If you marry a nonvirgin that's actually adultery. As with the example from Joseph the husband of Mary, she can be divorced for fornication, so she can return to the husband of her virginity. The statutes of God are clear that when a man lays with a virgin, they must marry. I'm not condemning nonvirgins, but revealing to most pseudo-Catholics that you're actually in the same boat as the divorcées you condemn. By the same standard you judge others, you too shall be judged (Matthew 7:2-5). Don't try to use divorcées as a scapegoat to hide your own adulterous marriages. Accept that over 99% of Western marriages today are adulterous marriages. If you're in an adulterous marriage, John MacArthur teaches to stay in that marriage, but repent just once. John Piper is convinced that returning to a previous spouse after remarriage is actually an abomination.

Telling Christians that rushing into marriage ASAP with "anyone", is the solution to preventing fornication, is itself a Quasi Catholic doctrine arguably responsible for most divorces. Adultery is worse than fornication. Chaining couples together, clearly does not prevent divorce. Forcing people into celibacy without that gift, contradicts God in Genesis 2:18 when He said, "It is not good that the man should be alone, I will make a helpmate for him." So if you defy Genesis 2:18, you will have so many problems including a shorter lifespan. It almost seems that Quasi Catholics are implying (between the lines) for divorcées to do King David vs Uriah murder. The blood from such murders might be on your hands, if you keep peddling this dangerous heresy. Some people of God such as Isaac were already 40 years old when God appointed the perfect time for their marriage with the right person. If everyone followed the marriage precedent of Adam and Eve, and Isaac and Rebekah, then divorce would be extinct.

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