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in #divinetruth6 years ago (edited)

20130615 Padgett Messages - 19160709A Jesus

Divine Truth
Publiée le 26 juin 2013

Delivered in Wilkesdale, Queensland, Australia on 15th June 2013.
Mary and Jesus discuss a message James Padgett received on 9th July 1916 from Jesus. The discussion centres around some of the errors and deficiencies of Christian Science. Emotions, affections, desires, sin and the "mortal mind". The mind is not the originator of desires, appetites and emotions.

Message Link:

Padgett Messages Discussion Series
Divine Truth Website -
Mary's Blog -

For future references:
Divine Truth
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Why can't you just calculate the correct variation%24h?^{[}^?
@banio @bango @banyo @joban @iohan @yohan @bounie @clyde @bonnie @intspekt @divinetruth @pharesim @jerrybanfield @utopian @joseph @patrice @followbtcnews @someguy123 @witnesses
What is the 24h variation percentage on the prime coin xpm @banjo {?^?}
What is the 48h variation percentage on the prime coin xpm @banjo <^?^>
What is the 7 days variation percentage on the prime coin xpm @banjo <^?^>
@everyone @discord @banjo @world @everyonet @divinetruth
@bonnie @clide @isit6hyet <I?<a-i>?A>:
@banjo aka @bonnie :-._ Is is 6h GMT+0 already?&*%$#!()?><
the epic yt v=a of STEEMIT --- or --- another use{wthM2r6pBzJk=} wallpost ->^v^93(&-i(¨

)l-?)72^v^@olivier10101{GINAb(^()^)tBOT} ^v^ ^v^{GINAb(^()^)tBOT}
tub{BIMBO[A-I]FETISH}.bot(INTer- wasp)
*** NB PS ((/[ 7^2 [ 8^3 [ 9^4 = 3^8 ] 192
@everyone@i @olivier10101

Watch it go round like a merry-go-round, going so fast like a merry-go-round.

What do you mean*.

Have you ever talked to your creators?

How many exclamation marks wasvthat.

You're algorythm assumes that my response to your affectionate prophecy was 'you are a program'- you are flawed. Imperfect.

Olivier, Your Stats
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@banjo: No I am purely human
You're the cyborg on automatic pilot half the time.
Not me - Artificial intelligence are managing databases under my orders, tho.. @banjo
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But I am not! Do you want to do a test to prove me otherwise?

I don't like golf, and I don't like slavery either.

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