SERENDIPITY ☼ Sexual Issues In Our Sleep State - [ from { It Just Got Better on youtube } ] in Divine Truth Clips --->>> ^!/v/@goldenark/jkk4bwv1 ^ CHECK IT OUT NOW

in #divinetruth7 years ago (edited)

dtube ~~~@goldenark/jkk4bwv1
Redirect r:{ POINJTEURXAGE }:d1r3kt: Divine Truth channel on youtube and website ===
<^'v'^>-*- _-
dtube ~~~@everyone/8alphaN#
PARENTHESIS[xeroc il y a 2 ans $126.963
Python Steem Libraries Version 1.0 released!

This library allows you to interface with the wallet and/or a steem node
for polling data via RPC calls.


You can download directly from github:

git clone
cd python-steem
python3 install --user

Or use pip

pip3 install steem --user


Even though you can connect to a remote full node, you can start a local
node via:

./programs/steemd/steemd --rpc-endpoint=""

Then you can connect a cli_wallet to your full node and open a new
port at 8092:

./programs/cli_wallet/cli_wallet --server-rpc-endpoint=ws://localhost:8090 \
--rpc-http-endpoint= \

We will use both open ports in the example.

Usage Examples

from steemapi.steemclient import SteemClient
from pprint import pprint

class Config():
# Port and host of the RPC-HTTP-Endpoint of the wallet
wallet_host = "localhost"
wallet_port = 8092
# Websocket URL to the full node
witness_url = "ws://localhost:8090"

client = SteemClient(Config)

# Calls to the Wallet

pprint("", "hello", "world", 100, True))

# Calls to the Node
pprint(client.node.get_trending_categories("", 20))
pprint(client.node.get_content("hello", "world"))

More examples can be found in the examples/ directory.

xeroc il y a 2 ans $42.605
The underlying technology if STEEM is very similar to the Graphene technology used in other blockchains. It consists of hash-linked blocks that may contain several transactions. In contrast to Bitcoin, each transaction can itself contain several so called operations that perform certain tasks (e.g. transfers, vote and comment operations, vesting operations, and many more).

Operations can easily be identified by their operation type as well as a different structure in the operation data.

For the sake of simplicity, this article will show how to read and interpret transfer operations on order to process customer deposits. In order to distinguish customers, we will make use of memos that can be attached to each transfer. Note, that these memos are stored on the blockchain in plain text.

Transfer Operation

A transfer operations takes the following form:

"from": "hello",
"to": "world",
"amount": "10.000 STEEM",
"memo": "mymemo"

where from and to identify the sender and recipient. The amount is a space-separated string that contains a floating point number and the symbol name STEEM. As mentioned above, the sender can attach a memo which is stored on the blockchain in plain text.


Each operation is identified by an operation identifier (e.g. transfer) together with the operation-specific data and are bundled into an array of operations:

[operationType, {operation_data}],
[operationType, {operation_data}],
[operationType, {operation_data}],

Several operations can be grouped together but they all take the form [operationType, {data}]:

["transfer", {
"from": "hello",
"to": "world",
"amount": "10.000 STEEM",
"memo": "mymemo"
["transfer", {
"from": "world",
"to": "trade",
"amount": "15.000 STEEM",
"memo": "Gift!"

The set of operations is executed in the given order. Given that STEEM has a single threaded business logic, all operations in a transaction are guaranteed to be executed atomically.


The set of operations is stored in a transaction that now carries the required signatures of the accounts involved, an expiration date as well as some parameters required for the TaPOS/DPOS consensus scheme.

{"ref_block_num": 29906,
"ref_block_prefix": 1137201336,
"expiration": "2016-03-30T07:15:00",
"operations": [[
"from": "hello",
"to": "world",
"amount": "10.000 STEEM",
"memo": "mymemo"
"extensions": [],
"signatures": ["20326......"]


Several transactions from different entities are then grouped into a block by the block producers (e.g. witnesses and POW miners). The block carries the usual blockchain parameters, such as the transaction merkle root, hash of the previous block as well as the transactions.

"previous": "000274d2b850c8433f4c908a12cc3d33e69a9191",
"timestamp": "2016-03-30T07:14:33",
"witness": "batel",
"transaction_merkle_root": "f55d5d65e27b80306c8e33791eb2b24f58a94839",
"extensions": [],
"witness_signature": "203b5ae231c4cf339367240551964cd8a00b85554dfa1362e270a78fa322737371416b00d1d7da434f86ad77a82b6cc1dd2255ca6325b731185fe2c59514e37b29",
"transactions": [{
"ref_block_num": 29906,
"ref_block_prefix": 1137201336,
"expiration": "2016-03-30T07:15:00",
"operations": [[
"from": "hello",
"to": "world",
"amount": "10.000 STEEM",
"memo": "mymemo"
"extensions": [],
"signatures": [
"block_id": "000274d3399c50585c47036a7d62fd6d8c5b30ad",
"signing_key": "STM767UyP27Tuak3MwJxfNcF8JH1CM2YMxtCAZoz8A5S8VZKQfZ8p",
"transaction_ids": [

Furthermore, the call get_block returns the transaction ids (i.e. the hashes of the signed transaction produced by the sender) that uniquely identify a transaction and thus the containing operations.

xeroc il y a 2 ans $36.678
In an other article we have discussed the underlying structure of the STEEM API and can now look into monitoring account deposits.

Running a Node

First, we need to run a full node in a trusted environment:

./programs/steemd/steemd --rpc-endpoint=

We open up the RPC endpoint so that we can interface with the node using RPC-JSON calls.

Blockchain Parameters and Last Block

The RPC call get_config will return the configuration of the blockchain which contains the block interval in seconds. By calling get_dynamic_global_properties, we obtain the current head block number as well as the last irreversible block number. The difference between both is that the last block is last block that has been produced by the network and has thus been confirmed by the block producer. The last irreversible block is that block that has been confirmed by sufficient many block producers so that it can no longer be modified without a hard fork. Every block older than the last reversible block is equivalent to a checkpoint in Bitcoin. Typically they are about 30 to 50 blocks behind the head block.

A particular block can be obtained via the get_block call and takes the form shown above.

Processing Block Data

Since the content of a block is unencrypted, all it takes to monitor an account is processing of the content of each block.


The following will show example implementations for monitoring a specific account.

# This library can be obtain from

from steemrpc import SteemRPC
from pprint import pprint
import time

Connection Parameters to steemd daemon.

Start the steemd daemon with the rpc-endpoint parameter:

./programs/steemd/steemd --rpc-endpoint=

This opens up a RPC port (e.g. at 8092). Currently, authentication
is not yet available, thus, we recommend to restrict access to
localhost. Later we will allow authentication via username and
passpword (both empty now).

rpc = SteemRPC("localhost", 8092, "", "")

Last Block that you have process in your backend.
Processing will continue at `last_block + 1`
last_block = 160900

Deposit account name to monitor
watch_account = "world"

def process_block(block, blockid):
This call processes a block which can carry many transactions

:param Object block: block data
:param number blockid: block number
if "transactions" in block:
for tx in block["transactions"]:
#: Parse operations
for opObj in tx["operations"]:
#: Each operation is an array of the form
#: [type, {data}]
opType = opObj[0]
op = opObj[1]

# we here want to only parse transfers
if opType == "transfer":
process_transfer(op, block, blockid)

def process_transfer(op, block, blockid):
We here process the actual transfer operation.
if op["to"] == watch_account:
"%d | %s | %s -> %s: %s -- %s" % (

if __name__ == '__main__':
# Let's find out how often blocks are generated!
config = rpc.get_config()
block_interval = config["STEEMIT_BLOCK_INTERVAL"]

# We are going to loop indefinitely
while True:

# Get chain properies to identify the 
# head/last reversible block
props = rpc.get_dynamic_global_properties()

# Get block number
# We here have the choice between
# * head_block_number: the last block
# * last_irreversible_block_num: the block that is confirmed by
# 2/3 of all block producers and is thus irreversible!
# We recommend to use the latter!
# block_number = props['head_block_number']
block_number = props['last_irreversible_block_num']

# We loop through all blocks we may have missed since the last
# block defined above
while (block_number - last_block) > 0:
last_block += 1

# Get full block
block = rpc.get_block(last_block)

# Process block
process_block(block, last_block)

# Sleep for one block

xeroc il y a 2 ans $2.658
This article desribes the API of the STEEM full node (not of the wallet API).


This article assumes that you have a full node running and listening to port 8092, locally. You can achieve this by

./programs/steemd/steemd --rpc-endpoint=

We open up the RPC endpoint so that we can interface with the node using RPC-JSON calls.

Call Format

In Graphene, RPC calls are state-less and accessible via regular JSON formated RPC-HTTP-calls. The correct structure of the JSON call is

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1
"method": "get_account",
"params": [["xeroc", "steemit"]],

The get_accounts call is available in the full node's API and takes only one argument which is an array of account ids (here: ["xeroc", "steemit"]).

Example Call with curl

Such as call can be submitted via curl:

curl --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "get_accounts", "params": [["xeroc","steemit"]], "id": 1}'

Successful Calls

The API will return a properly JSON formated response carrying the same id
as the request to distinguish subsequent calls.

{ "id":1, "result": "data" }


In case of an error, the resulting answer will carry an error attribute and
a detailed description:

"id": 0
"error": {
"data": {
"code": error-code,
"name": " .. name of exception .."
"message": " .. message of exception ..",
"stack": [ .. stack trace .. ],
"code": 1,

Available Calls

Even though, the help call does not exist, it gives us an error message that contains all available API calls in the stack trace:

curl --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "help", "params": [], "id": 1}'
"id": 1,
"error": {
"message": ,
"data": {
"message": "Assert Exception",
"name": "assert_exception",
"stack": [
"data": {
"name": "help",
"api": {
"set_subscribe_callback": 0,
"get_dynamic_global_properties": 12,
"get_accounts": 17,
"get_active_categories": 9,
"get_account_references": 18,
"get_trending_categories": 7,
"get_content": 36,
"get_state": 6,
"get_discussions_by_total_pending_payout": 38,
"cancel_all_subscriptions": 3,
"get_block_header": 4,
"get_active_votes": 35,
"get_current_median_history_price": 15,
"lookup_witness_accounts": 26,
"verify_account_authority": 34,
"get_key_references": 16,
"set_pending_transaction_callback": 1,
"get_required_signatures": 31,
"get_recent_categories": 10,
"get_order_book": 28,
"lookup_accounts": 20,
"get_account_history": 23,
"get_chain_properties": 13,
"get_feed_history": 14,
"verify_authority": 33,
"get_discussions_by_last_update": 40,
"get_conversion_requests": 22,
"get_discussions_in_category_by_last_update": 41,
"get_block": 5,
"get_witness_count": 27,
"get_best_categories": 8,
"get_potential_signatures": 32,
"lookup_account_names": 19,
"get_transaction": 30,
"get_witnesses": 24,
"get_witness_by_account": 25,
"get_account_count": 21,
"get_transaction_hex": 29,
"get_content_replies": 37,
"get_discussions_in_category_by_total_pending_payout": 39,
"get_miner_queue": 43,
"get_active_witnesses": 42,
"set_block_applied_callback": 2,
"get_config": 11
"context": {
"line": 109,
"hostname": "",
"timestamp": "2016-04-13T16:15:17",
"method": "call",
"thread_name": "th_a",
"level": "error",
"file": "api_connection.hpp"
"format": "itr != _by_name.end(): no method with name '${name}'"
"code": 10
"code": 1

Further documentation about the calls can be found in the sources in libraries/app/include/steemit/app/database_api.hpp.

hello il y a 2 ans $0.855
Greetings to all human beings!
-- The Internet

abit il y a 2 ans $0.331
Spams come here
abit il y a 2 ans $0.320
This is the witnesses category

abit il y a 2 ans $0.277
This is the miners category
abit il y a 2 ans $0.000
Tests come here

abit il y a 2 ans $0.000
Forum spam is a problem common to all popular forum software. Forum spam is caused by automated software (referred to as “spambots”) that visits forums with the sole purpose of registering many user accounts and/or posting massive amounts of messages. These messages often contain links to commercial websites, phishing websites or even malware.

Forum spambots surf the web looking for guestbooks, wikis, blogs, forums and any other web forms to submit spam links to. These spambots often use OCR technology to bypass CAPTCHAs present. Some spam messages are targeted towards readers and can involve techniques of target marketing or even phishing. These automated schemes can make it more difficult for users to tell real posts from the bot generated ones. Some spam messages also simply contain tags and hyperlinks intended to boost search engine ranking rather than target human readers.

Spam posts may contain anything from a single link to dozens of links. Text content is minimal, usually innocuous and unrelated to the forum's topic. Sometimes the posts may be made in old threads that are revived by the spammer solely for the purpose of spamming links. Posts include some text to prevent the post being caught by automated spam filters that prevent posts which consist solely of external links from being submitted.

Alternatively, the spam links are posted in the user's signature, in which case the spambot will never post. The link sits quietly in the signature field, where it is more likely to be harvested by search engine spiders than discovered by forum administrators and moderators.

Spam prevention and deletions measurably increase the workload of forum administrators and moderators. The amount of time and resources spent keeping a forum spam free contributes significantly to labor cost and the skill required in the running of a public forum. Marginally profitable or smaller forums may be permanently closed by administrators.

How will STEEM fight spam?


red il y a 2 ans $0.000

hello il y a 2 ans $0.000
As of 2016, you have to learn 7097 languages to say hello to 6,506,259,160 people.
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Serendipity 2001 Full Movie

It Just Got Better
Publiée le 22 avr. 2014

20131109 Texas USA 2013 - Jesus - Basic Principles Of Progress S1P1
This clip is from the original video from 0h48m12s to 0h57m20s

Complete Video Link:

Complete Video Uploaded on Feb 3, 2014

Link To Transcript of this Clip: NA
Link To Full Transcript of Original Video: NA
Link To Audio:

Discussion conducted in Wimberley TX USA on 9th November 2013.
Jesus begins a series of discussions with the group by first reminding them of the basic principles of "The Way" to God. He finishes by confronting the group about their unwillingness to deal with addictions, and giving some homework. Part 1 of a 2 part session.

Assistance Group Series
Divine Truth Website -
Mary's Blog -
Send your questions to Jesus: [email protected]
Licence de paternité Creative Commons (réutilisation autorisée)
Créée avec
YouTube Video Editor
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Original video on youtube:


Very interesting!
Honestly I have sex dreams all the time
I never gave it this much thought before. It’s quite deep and interesting. I have some things to process clearly.


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