The Truth of the Returning Divine Feminine

in #divine7 years ago

It is true that our world wide evolution in recent centuries has favoured the Divine Masculine and decreased the focus on it's counterpart. The New Age rightly points to the demotion of our Goddesses to aspects of the males God, and they're eventually being erased, but there's something the New Age isn't telling you.


Granted, better authors and speakers in the New Age have reminded their audiences that, spiritually speaking, Masculine and Feminine is not Male and Female, citing the fact that both energies and hormones exist in everyone to varying degrees. I contest that these speakers haven't gone far enough to educate their audiences and dispel the simplistic gender stereotypes which lay at the root of our collective psyche.

Whenever I hear New Age proponents talk about the returning Divine Feminine which has been suppressed they inevitably fall back on the idea that the world is hard and logical, while this resurgence calls us to explore our nurturing and loving side. This is only true to a small degree and only half of the story. This narrative, first of all painting the world as cold and cruel which it is not, is insinuating still that to be Masculine is to represent strictness and uncaringness while the Feminine is weak and life-giving - I say weak because we're clueless as to how strong, vicious, and cruel the Feminine can be. This is not a stereotypical judgement of women, nor is it in any way a negative judgement on the Feminine. Often times the Goddess energy is that of a seductive Mermaid or a raging bitch, etc, which are all legitimate expressions we require often.

When one gets beyond any prior notions about the nature of spiritual light and think of it in purely psychological terms (the only non-physical place it exists in), we see that Light is the product of the Masculine. It is Ego, it is precise, it calculates, it measures, and it judges by this laser-focused light. This aspect of the Masculine may be hard to come to terms with, but without it there is no order, no time, no boundaries, and thus no life or birth. Without that Masculine light you neither have heroism and self-sacrifice (in most instances). The Masculine carries a noble form of love we, for complicated reasons, felt the need to embrace lately.
In contrast you have the Feminine - Darkness. The Darkness which surrounds the Light. Contained in here is the immeasurable, unquantifiable, uncontrollable, and downright nasty in it's own way. It is the great unknown which we're birthed from, and sadly the same place post-Classical religions have deemed to be the home of Demons. This unfortunate reclassification of the Feminine is somewhat understandable in that it is unknown and dangerous. At least to our minds, the depths of the woods at night, the Faerie forts of Folk Wisdom, graveyards, and Hell itself is all from the same realm - that of the Goddess, for She is Death and Disorder. The Queen of anomalous experiences, such as encounters with UFOs, Leprechauns, Mermaids and Sirens who kidnapped and sabotaged sailors, old hags who brought Plague to small towns, Medusa who made men hard against their will just by looking at them, seductress witches or Femme Fatele, the smothering giant spider, the Banshee, and once-off encounters with nutcases - even supposed visions of Mother Mary. Cunt turned a bunch of kids blind! The Goddess when in our pantheons was much more open about Her affairs, raining terror down upon whole cities on Jehovah's behalf as The Shekinah, and earlier in antiquity being fierce warrior Gods not charged with gifts of healing and abundance, but of death.

What does all of this mean? It means the Goddess is fucking awesome, for one. Furthermore, we see the Goddess get "darker" the farther we cast her out - or, more accurately, you could say we summon more of her "darkness" out of fear and ignorance. The Goddesses lack of presence in our world, outside of the symbolism of the secret society Sorcerers, has caused a tremendous disconnection in us all from that Dark and endless abyss to the point that the mere mention of any of Her manifestations will at the very least make you sound less credible to your peers and at worst get you locked up as a schizophrenic. Out of our sense of self-preservation we may curb our indulgences of such ideas to the safe confines of accepted New Age lore, which states that even if you did see the Faeries or experience any other such anomaly, reality is all a dream anyway and it's all just a metaphor, so you're not actually insane. Our freedom to have our own singular and unique perceptions is forever under attack and losing each battle. This has created a tremendous illness in our people that is manifesting in all manner of social and psychological collapse with the only solutions being taken seriously involving even stricter Masculine control. Our Goddess is not and has not ever been suppressed, She has merely been strangled so that Her horrors are condensed and more volatile, with our fear of Her wrath making Her even more dangerous. Many a well-intentioned man or woman turns to embrace the Goddess and ends up going mad, either by lack of emotional stability or outright possession. Crackpot magickians, blissninny New Age sex "goddesses", and drug burnouts galore! With every passing day we cast her away, so does she cast us away. The religions and folk tales of the world may have a basis of truth to them as the only solution to ever-deepening Darkness could be Armageddon. Or perhaps Apocalypse.
The Solution?

Buckle up! We have lived far too long on this Earth, destroying it's top soil, and enslaving each other and other species to our elaborate games of false hierarchies and laws, we're due for another visit from The Shekinah. The best one can do is embrace the Divine Feminine in ones own life - the REAL Divine Feminine - so you stand a chance of braving Her full wrath. Just be VERY careful when you approach. She's somewhat of a cunt.


Hi I've been thinking about this sort of thing for the past couple of years and I think the worship of the masculine goes back to our earliest civilisations.
The big crux in history that I can deduce is when King Ank en Aten attempted to shut down the priest class and allow only worship of the generating force of the Sun, as this they knew was the reason they had food to eat, and also the reason we have a planet at all. So the King named his Son Tut ank Aten which means 'living image of the Aten'. They drove the priesthood out and told the people that the rule was to be shared between man and woman. We know this because the statues erected during this time were very different from what was erected before or after. The statues were given both attributes of the man and the woman as to show their equality.
Inversely the Priesthood worshipped the Moon. Also known as Amun or 'A Moon'. They would extort the populace into doing their bidding and use the darkness to do their works in secret. Sounds like confession? Same thing. You would have to confess your 'sins' and the priests would absolve you for money or favours. This was not acceptable to the family of Aten. The battles ensued, with Tut ank Aten being killed in a battle by getting run over by a chariot wheel. Nefertiti ran with the daughters of Aten West and that's all we know about what happened to her. But the young King Tut ank Aten was not able to leave his legacy, instead the priests changed his name post humus to Tutankamen and effectively brainwashed us all for the past 3 thousand years.
The Son is the Sun and we are his children, look up that ye may see the face of GOD!

Thanks for writing this article, it might have taken a while, wish it can be acknowledged. Followed you.
My thoughts on the subject matter is that if we really manage to connect with the female side within ourselves and unite with it then this female power will manifest in a benevolent way assisting us to transcend duality.
Not understanding female energies and failing to unite with them will turn them into witches, definitely causing trouble!
I just wrote an article about emotional healing and about uniting body and emotions, this is also very much about how to come to terms with our own inherent female energies residing in our bodies:
Thanks for checking it out!

Thanks for the insightful feedback and the link to your piece. I'll definitely take a look!

HOLA! Thank you for this thoughtful post @irishdentitaire. I too have thought much on this and I trust in the process and the recognition of the Kali Yuga cycle that we are currently completing here. Thank the gods for the precession of the equinox, for we are in a continual cycle within a cycle with the rise and fall of the patriarchy and the matriarchy.
We need not fear it, but instead, to BE FEARLESS, AND TO CHOOSE LOVE. And faith. And present. In Joy, Christina

I'm happy to find others who know what it's about. The greatest test this world can give is a lot of things to fear so instead we be courageous and strong.

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