Reflections Upon the JourneysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #div7 years ago (edited)



I sit in a train travelling from Novi Sad to Belgrade, waiting for some train signal or such, I am reflecting upon the greater story arc playing out before me.

The situation

Last night, Milica invited her two favourite people, @lonilush and her non-steemian friend Sanja, and there was much smoking, drinking and excited chatter on all kinds of subjects.

Well, I sat next to the open door to the balcony, attempting to not effectively be smoking as well, but... well, one does not really know just how nasty tobacco smoke is until one does not smoke. It is very nasty. The stupidly cold, dry aircon in this intercity train is also playing havoc with my sinuses and nasal mucosa this morning.

The discussions especially between @lonilush and I really drove home the point about how we must seize the advantage we have as innovators, to leapfrog the defensive reactions of the circle jerk called Government, and out-provide the solutions they give lip service to.

I am looking forward to getting into a dirty, slow, not air conditioned long haul train to Sofia. I miss the old days of natural ventilation and natural light. These bright LED's hurt my eyes too.

I can't wait to get back to my little apartment and redeploy my miners and get intensive on building the DIV Kernel.

In the distance, the famous Western Gate of Belgrade, the Zepter Building

The Plans

I got some sleep, maybe 5 hours, but at least I slept with only a bit of passive smoke and noisy drinking people naturally running on until a bit past midnight. I made eggy cheesy salad for breakfast, slathered in melted butter, packed my greek yogurt for lunch, dragged my two giant suitcases full of miner computers and out to Bulevard Oslovobodenia and a taxi appeared to cart me and my payload to the train station.

I had to be fed and at the train station by 6am, to make sure I got to Blegrade for the next leg to Sofia. There is only one service to and from Sofia, and I am not missing the delivery of my BulletAnt goggles tomorrow.

Novi Belgrade train station

I took a dose of Semax after breakfast, and forgot to put the vial containing the last dose or two worth into my bag. No matter, probably it was already quite decaying from the heat, and 4 days at nearly full dose rate, I am sure my brain is now full of neurotrophic gene expression and in the next week my synapse count will noticably increase. I can already feel the calm self assurance of a greatly improved stress response. The diet and detox are also of course doing so much I may not really be able to isolate this.

I figure I can get more once I migrate, probably I will have enough supply of Bromantane soon to power an autumn and winter of frenetic development, and with me also cleaned up, feeding myself well, and soon, exercising frequently, a lot of pent up desire is going to drive a serious freight train of catching up to the dreams.

DIV is how I see myself funding the Siberia Farm and Workshop project. I have laid a lot of groundwork towards this project in the last 12 months, and now everything starts.

4 typical brutalist style prefab construction residential towers that to me really make Belgrade stand out as a very fururistic looking city. This style was pretty much invented in Serbia.

I intend that I will do a fair bit of architecture and documentation, and once the system goes live, I am going to do my best to win votes on my contributions. I will of course have earned a lot of undocumented reputation, but I hope that DIV will punish laurels-sitting and complacency.

Imagine the same intense competition for votes on steem, driving development!!!!

I believe within 3 months we will have replicated the base Steem like system, but focusing fund distribution towards code and docs, node operators, and then, first, general blog, and then q&a and reference documentation, and by next spring, the first, fully autonomous self governing distributed database fabric, sharpening up its combine harvest razors to mow down every obstacle in its path on the road to world liberation.

A steel bridge across the Sava River, which feeds into the Danube at the centre of Belgrade.

DIV is not a blockchain. Div is Government 2.0.

Law is code and code is law. But code includes documentation, and facilitates every aspect of the Forum that leads to the Quorum.

The bad poetry potential abounds. But blame it on the train, and the stupid summer daytime schedule.

Soon I will alight in Belgrade, and be able to make this post, and update the whitepaper with the new content relating to this idea of bootstrapping a self hosting crypto token incentivised code repository. Then, another 9 hours until Sofia.

Tonight I am going to sleep so well. The trouble I am brewing is well and truly starting a rumbling resonance and the Avalanche is now basically a foregone conclusion.

I am not going to stop, and most people underestimate me. Pretty soon it isn't going to be a one man army, but an Horde of elite special operators who have been waiting for this call.

All of the high value targets are mapped and the kill sequence is already planned and the enemy will be paralysed once the onslaught begins.

Belgrade Central Station. I almost forgot my suitcases! Nice cleaners saved my ass again ,😱🕺


When Amanda Johnson started talking about Dash and how its governance model allowed it to breeze through making decisions that paralyse networks without it, I wasn't distinguishing between 'government' and 'governance' so I got stuck on that - wondering why anyone would willingly stick that turd onto a crypto currency. The word 'government' is forever tarnished and attached to the domain of the coercive and malignant. What I've come to understand is the night and day difference between that and 'governance', which is voluntary and wholly compatible with open source money.

Not just compatible, but necessary. Look at the decision paralysis of the last 3 years with bitcoin? What about how impenetrable Steem is to really making thte proper changes, why is there no modelling, to support changes? They are like 15 year old kids tinkering with other people's code.

I'm wishing you good luck with this. Also, you have some incredibly lovely turns of phrase in this writing.

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