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RE: Valuable content shared with Steemit is being tagged as STOLEN! Understand the importance of giving credit where credit is due.

in #dispute8 years ago (edited)

if it doesn't say "hey this is my personal created content" its probably a share... give credit? don't people say hit like and subscribe in EVERY youtube video they make? lol steem is decentralized? lets keep that spirit . every youtube video links back the channel it was uploaded on and back to youtube .....what do we need to post in a professional format now ? if you share a youtube partners video and they monetized it you just made them free ad revenue aswell


"... its(sic) probably a share..."

You are guessing it's a share. This is the beef I have. People don't care about doing due diligence. They want to get something for nothing. If they cared about and respected the work that others do, they would ask BEFORE they reposted others YouTube videos or other content. Instead they make excuses of every type to justify their theft. Just because FB and other sites have made it "ok" in the minds of most internet citizens doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.

Those YouTube channels that say like and subscribe are not saying "Go ahead and profit from my video by linking my video as if it were your own content" which is what IS being done on Also, a YouTube channel will need thousands of views in order to make even pocket change. On Steemit, you only need a few whales to voteup your repost without even watching the video to get paid more than that. How can people that do this sort of thing not feel sleazy? It really boggles my mind how unscrupulous society is as this is surely the status quo for nearly anyone you ask.

In my opinion, this is proper etiquette.

  1. Contact the content owner and tell them about
  2. If they don't reply, then don't use their original content.
  3. If they don't agree to you linking their content, don't link to it.
  4. If they agree that it's ok for you to profit from their content, then by all means post it and state that is the intention of the original content owner along with noting the content was made by someone other than yourself, etc.

Regardless of how things are done on the internet elsewhere, shouldn't just follow what others do if it's wrong. I get the impression that some of those that are completely ok with people profiting from others creative works have never been in the position of having their own creative work used in a way they didn't approve of or not been paid for creative services rendered.

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