
As if it's not one of the main reasons that Disney bought FOX

I am not sure how high on the scale of importance the comic book properties were to Disney as much as every single other Fox property to help build up whatever they will do to compete with Netflix in the future. I think the X-Men and Fantastic Four stuff that I definitely am happy about, was just a side bonus for them, but they would have went for Fox just as hard anyways. Deadpool did good and all, but Disney wants that non R-Rated Avatar, Simpsons, Aliens money.

I wonder if by doing all this though they sealed the fate that Sony knows what they have in Spider-Man and will never ever ever ever give it up.

I think that their main motivations were Marvel and Hulu, which they now own the majority of. I get Avatar, but Simpsons and Alien are just not compatible with the Disney brand.

You know, I hadn't thought of it much before, but now that I have a bit, I am guessing Disney will keep the Fox name and branding on a lot of properties as they did with Marvel and Star Wars not having mouse ears all over those products. Like Fox branding will just continue on, much like Disney did with ABC and ESPN and all the other things they have bought up and not stamped with the Disney logo. In those regards, everything is compatible with Disney brand, because Disney just steps away and has the appearance of just being a whole other company.

Yep. that's the plan, although I think they rename it new fox or something.

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