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RE: A Democrat Year?

in #discussion7 years ago (edited)

This is how I see it.

Hoping that politicians/bureaucrats will be fighting and killing the deep state.
Is like hoping that an arm will kill the body it's attached to, and then hoping it isn't going to die, so you can use it.

Politicians and bureaucrats are the deep state they are the little veneer layer of decency, care and protection, and the mechanism through which the deep state manifests in reality.


...if trump could bring in the army, take down all the corrupt vile deep state and politicians in one swoop... and start again...peachy!

the way he is doing it is better, using an army would make them martyrs.

........but if the deep state is still left intact after this episode........back to square one, with still an armed uprising on the cards...

Time 'extensions'- with nothing happening - plays into the marxist long game narrative...

'Cos when the time comes for the commies to do something extreme they will do- in the blink of an eye..

I would not be surprised if we saw a major false flag in the near future as more and more of these deep state folks are being exposed.

I hate being right sometimes

looks like my prediction was right

that would be . unconstitutional.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Article 3 covers Russian connection by politicians(using their own definitions) - get rid of 90% of them. Trump of course is in the clear....

It was illegal to kick the (your masters. lol) british out - but it never stopped you..

".....whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government..."

If Jefferson said it, it seems fine by me....

good point
(except the 'master's" part) theres' PR.
Trump has to deal with it...and a hostile press.
(how's the research going?)

and a hostile press.

string them up too, problem solved (covered under treason)

It's a toughy - because it's very techy related (my weak point).

But I have a few pages done,....but not enough yet for me to say -'it's worth it' - if you know what i mean?

I'll crack on until I feel it has value. - I want to make it good as I can for a techy dunce... but it has led me down some new avenues, which is always good..

...And given me lots of new question to find answers to.. (more to research for myself, when I'm not on a specific remit).

this new digital stuff - it's all very interesting.. lol

Then he has a lot of power, like a dictator with an army, I don't know if that would be such a good idea, I've seen that before.

Thanks for the reply @lucylin :)

It's not nice, and it enters dangerous waters...

But much less dangerous than a marxist take over.
That's a bad idea

Good people forced into leadership can keep there integrity. (George Washington...?)

The marxists agenda is a really bad idea. I agree.
Not convinced that the "good rulers" are so good. Somehow both sides always end in totalitarianism. That one may like the one side better does not make it good i.m.h.o. But that's my opinion.:)

I agree totalitarianism is the end result - but at least with not going down the marxist path, there is a chance of redress before it gets to that stage.

Not the case with marxist doctrine (well, not until a few tens of millions die)

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