Successful Websites Rewarding Content Creators

in #discussion6 years ago (edited)

Please Name a Successful Website Rewarding Content Creators

Image from Pixabay

I'll wait.

How about sites designed for Authors to publish their work?  I know there are some, but I don't know the model.  I can't name one of them off the top of my head.

It isn't because it hasn't been tried.  It is a difficult business model.

Here are a few that didn't succeed

  • Newsvine - I was active on Newsvine when it did pay, I received about $120 per month.
  • TSU - Google this one the story is amazing.
  • Digg - Another very interesting story they are still alive, but with a different model.

There are a lot more people who want to create content than there are people wanting to pay for content and this is why the most common result is ad sales and traffic.

What if we can stumble on a hybrid model which uses businesses and traffic to support not only Content Creators but dApps and Bidding Bots and People who want to share things that advertisers would not want to support?

What if SteemMonsters ends up keeping investors here and allowing your content to be seen.  If they create traffic and sales, and possibly even investment, isn't that a win/win?

In any case paying Author's for Content is a tricky business model and in my opinion requires a source of income.

If you don't like ads, and spam, or businesses, I am just curious what you think will prop up the price of Steem, and what audience will content creators have?

I am not saying you don't have a good idea of how this can expand and be sustained.  I'm just interested in hearing how you picture it working.  It's rainy Saturday and I am just sitting around overthinking things.



A strong user base will prop up the price of Steem. There is a lot of strength in numbers and eventually I think we will see strong numbers. It might take another year or two but it should happen. More users also equals more potential investors.
There are already a few advertisers on here but more users will = more advertisers spending more money.

There are many websites that pay users, including:

  • Popcash
  • Google Adsense

Who pays with cryptocurrency:


Who pays with cryptocurrency: Also, I believe.

Patreon is the obvious one.

18 years ago I invented a new methodology for paying short fiction writers and even though I only did it for two years others picked it up and it's still going strong in its little way, which is a little weird. Maybe I'll write about that at some point. I get a lot of the same feeling here, like we've discovered a new technology that will allow us to build systems with very differently-characterized overhead costs than we've ever seen before. And there will be ways to turn that to our advantage.

To piggyback off your article... i do love Steemit (and see how it can pay very well).

Here's my question: Do you see it as a viable platform for us as content creators to have greater exposure of our talent & reaching our ideal audience? (Or... should we just use Steemit primarily to make money from upvotes & bots?)

It's an honest question, i promise.

I absolutely see it as a platform that gives content creators an audience, money, and a place to practice your craft, get feedback both in comments and rewards. I love that part of it.

I just don't think it pays the bills long-term on any model I can imagine.

I am hoping people will see that we need a mixture of content, business and a way to hold an audience as well! :)

I love SteemIt also.

Thx for your speedy reply. You nailed it on the head with each of your points too. I just needed some feedback from someone like you, who's been on Steemit for a while, as I've switch over to blogging exclusively here. Blessings on your content creation & relationship-building within the platform. 😊

Although most dont make alot on there blogs it is more than they would make anywhere else (unless they are a proffesional blogger, which most of us arent). I see it as a fun place to meet new people write about stuff I enjoy and earn a bit of extra pocket money :)

That's a good key to put into the mix -- about community, etc. 'Blog commenting' isn't what it used to be, even 5 years ago. Even on popular blogs, the commenting has gone way down. But for Steem... there sure is a fresh interaction that's very cool in deed.

Yeah the community here is quite unique in that respect! Lots of great interactions going on here

I think Steemit has a pool of people who will read others' blogs, and who will go out of their way to LOOK for other blogs to read. If I was just writing on a blogging platform like wordpress, who would read it? How would I entice people to come over and take a look? On Steemit, there's a willing audience.

I think a general reversal of the cryptocurrency market is going to carry Steem up, especially when people realize that they can earn rewards here.

However, I think in order to really take off we need things like smt and hivemind to work well.

I agree, we are more likely to rise on Crypto than any reasonable market expectations!

Agreed, but through ads.

the ad system on youtube is broken, even top channels are saying ads don't pay out enough to live on anymore.

It was never sustainable. They always paid out more than they could afford in order to facilitate growth. That's the real motivation for the demonetization controversy.

Im starting to enjoy Youtube less because of the ads - there seems to be more and more! I know you can pay for Youtube red to remove the ads - but cant bring myself to do that - but I guess its the same as Spotify you can use it for free but I pay to remove the ads and get the extra benefits.

Lets hope Dtube grows to compete in the long run

It's not broken. It's called competition. More players enter a market it will become more competitive to get value in return because more can produce the work. To compete you have to increase your output of value to the market place.

Is a where you can earn on photo and media content. I have not used them much, not sure if it classifies as "succesful."

It's built on Steem! Let's hope they are successful!

That is correct! I think it's important to support these projects, like many others that are built upon steem, because they ultimately raise the transaction and market cap of the the STEEM blockchain network. That means a higher valuation of STEEM tokens.
Cheers mate.
I am now following you.

I hope they add HD photos someday. Something that makes me stay away is that lack of quality. Blog photos are in higher quality

Steem Monsters is a good idea. Users can play, collect , chat and have fun.
Maybe Steemit should open up a Steem Casino.

Now theres an idea haha - so many people like to gamble and theres no real rules on here - theres lucksacks poker which is a good start :)

Someone should make a Slot Staking Coin. While staking with your wallet, you can burn the coins playing a slot.

This is part of what makes Steem so brilliant and enjoyable! No ads (well paid ads anyway :P) - and even then the 'ads' that people write are random and sometimes actually interesting. I hate seeing ads that seems to peer into my soul and know everything about me - its a bit creepy

Humans are ads. It's just more smooth and targeted ads. Every human is a personal brand. And they market themselves out to the world. The new market place will still have ads but just more smooth and low key ads. Instead of annoying obvious in your face ads.


Mostly supported by ad revenue.

Also, a much better system than YouTube because you have to create content that is actually good and requires hard work because it’s measured through views - and not by you sucking the right cock.

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