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RE: Fake News

in #discussion6 years ago (edited)

I am poised to Fuck the Demonic Rats
demonic rat.png

so hard this time, I hate these actions but I am going to throw the "Straight Republican" thunderbolt this time. These commie bastards deserve w/e they get, and more. We're doing them a favor, cuz if the country is thrown into civil war, the anti-gun idiots will be totally overwhelmed.

Vote "R", save a Lib-Tard's Life 😋 😎

PS: As U know, I am a Union Electrician, and there are literally millions of Fed-Up Union Members, I'd guess close to HALF. The others will come around later, not all, but most...


A strong economy brings power to unionized workers. Trump may be a Republican, but he is doing more for unions than any president Dem or Repub in the past.


Oh, don't get me wrong, the door swings both ways. Repubix will get their comeuppance at a later date, they have a large # of Poly-Ticks associated with the Deep State and they will also be rooted out. Did you notice a few years back that a large number of moderate Democrats "retired" ??? I did.

Both higher ups are garbage, but justice democratic candidates are the best we've got, and doing "straight D" or "straight R" sounds like partisan team playing and is dumb regardless. The far right own politics and media which is why it's all garbage.

Good, you are thinking... My idea is to curb-stomp the one that is down, hoping that they will respond to the will of the people. The Dems have ignored most "just policies" for so long that Trump was able to grab the working class away from them. That is their own fault!
I did state that voting straight ticket is something that I do not relish, but maybe it sends a message.
I appreciate your input, C.D. and perhaps I should reconsider. We have a pretty good "D" Senator here who is in a tight race, in fact, I think he is behind cuz he just ran an ad where he is touting "voting with Trump" and has an audio clip where the POTUS is praising him for the "right to try" bill he wrote in the Senate.

What state are you in? I would say that most democrats for senate or house are better than all republicans. Republicans are all 100% evil, whereas democrats are usually 80~% evil, aside from those like Tom Perez, Chuck Shumer, Hillary Clinton, Joe Manchin, they rank just as bad as republicans, wolves in sheeps' clothing. You should look up the progressive democrats to see where they are in relation to you, though, they are the real people that need support. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, for example, is a shining star in a sea of shit that gives anyone who is working class or poor a hope for real change. Not to mention there are plenty of governor candidates as well, especially in my state of Maryland, that are very important to vote for.

Indiana! The senator I mentioned is Joe Donnelly


Still, I'd say if its the only option in a close race, it's better than a republican stooge. However, with the asterisk of him needing to be primaried asap next cycle

ok... thanks? What does this have to do with anything I said?

The far right own politics and media
just pointing out who actually own's the media.

Yes, rich people that love capitalism and are far right. And?

Same Bunch who was cramming Killary down our throats. Killary also said "I am as progressive" as any other poly-tick.

Plus + Plus, I have voted Straight "D" before, hoping for a similar effect.

😋 😎

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