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RE: Another Day, Another Post - How I'm Handling The Current Price

in #discussion6 years ago

But some people are in such dire straits that they can't make the more rational decision because they need that pittance now.

Very true. Couple days ago I was reading the new reports on world poverty they released and it said some people in Africa live on less than a buck sixty a day. Can you even imagine?


But they lived, and got this far in life without the added income a place like this can provide. If they continued to live, while working here, and holding on, living longer, they could have a life beyond the loaf of bread.

Logically you and I are well fed enough to realize that. When people are hungry they don't see things clearly, they are just to busy trying not to feel the pains of hunger. I started posting on a site that mostly did middle east stuff, actually it was rather funny because it basically consisted of this guy at the time who ever night bellowed out his anguish over the issues in the middle east. So I just started posting other news while reading the stuff he posted. I didn't know much about the middle east but he tolerated me while mocking my main stream news fetish. He couldn't keep up with me so he made me a moderator as I posted anything and everything I could find but he also kept challenging me to take a look around the world and find out what really goes on. It was a eye opener for me, I got so depressed I had to quit, he insist I come back and I did a couple times but ultimately left because the site grew and I couldn't handle people celebrating when a cafeteria or airport would get bombed and a lack of understanding about the amount of hate in the ME towards one another let alone against foreign intervention. I thought if I just went about doing my postings I could ignore it all but it was to much to overcome. Kids living underground in bombed out buildings, people living in cardboard shacks, living in muddy fields with fences keeping them contained. I always thought that somewhere someone was taking care of the rest of the world, that airplanes just dropped food into places where people were starving. I think a lot of people live their lives like that, they just think someone is handling it but it's far from the truth. I started feeling guilty going into a Walmart and stopping in at Subway to eat a sub and look out over into the produce section and start thinking about people living in muddy fields and how much of that food that didn't get sold would go into the trash or how it seemed unfair that we had more than some could dream of. I would buy flowers to plant in my yard and start feeling guilty that people were starving while I was busy planting flowers so my yard looked nice. Last summer I went out and bought a air conditioner. I didn't think about it at the time but when I got it home I went to open the box and it said made in China. I thought about people living stacked fifteen high in bunk beds living on the property of their employers who charged them rent and made them work sixteen hours a day....I honestly don't think I've been completely the same exploring the real world, it seemed like it was never going to stop. Having my grand kids over I had to have chicken nuggets, chips, ice cream, juice pouches, snacks and more snacks...guilt, guilt, guilt...I know ignoring it isn't the answer, putting it out of my head, maybe that's what's wrong with the world...I had to come to terms with myself I am only one person and I can't change the course. Probably more than you wanted to, me blabbering on and on, realities can be harsh, real harsh.

Haha, @sunlit7 paragraph breaks are your friend :)

Seriously, I appreciate what you wrote here. I haven't literally been out in it like you have but I struggle with that guilt of knowing the disparities and the stats about how we produce enough food to feed the earth 4 times over etc, that it's just a matter of stupid priorities and lack of will to change etc etc.

Sometimes I get so weighed down by all this stuff too. I lool at my apolitical friends on FB who are posting about how wonderful their lived are and I think, I wish I could switch off the horror of the world as easily as they do.

But we have to, though, don't we. We have to put on our own oxygen masks at some point each day and appreciate life and live it and feel joy and gratitude for what we have. It's hard to reconcile it all though.

And I do agree, @nonameslefttouse that there is the potential for the life of bread to become a bakery. We have to keep that hope going. All you people with a million tons more knowledge than me about crypto keep reminding me that this baby is beta, still a baby, so I guess we may as well have big hope it'll go places rather than none :)

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