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RE: Is STEEM a good buy at $0.98 USD? #discussion

in #discussion7 years ago

Phew, I think you certainly nailed the key usability issues around Steemit and the need for a UI/UX redesign.

I came here from Reddit, and I still spend at least half my online time there because the content is king and easy to filter. Once I'm logged in I can easily get the content that I want based on my login.

The fact that we can freely pay each other on Steemit and be rewarded by actual money for good content might say that usability is certainly one of the things holding it back from truly ongoing explosive growth. If those issues are overcome then people may never leave.

Granted, this may be more of a personal interaction community here, but finding valuable information is not as easy as I'd like it to be.


(serves @solarsherpa a triple espresso shot)

I use 3 different devices and still have a hard time keeping up!

Whoa. I would love a triple espresso.

But, my buddy Bill turned me on to the Quad espresso at Starbucks. For $2.75, I get 4 shots of espresso in a small paper cup. I add some milk and then pour it over ice - either in my off-brand Yeti, or I ask for a Plastic Venti cup of ice.

Bill says it's the best caffeine value out there. So, it's my morning ritual to hit Sbux on my way to work and get a Quad. That keeps me going most of the day!

As a previous barista, I can vouch for this method! You can save a lot of money by ordering straight shots and doing a little quick doctoring. I actually do the exact same thing you do... shots with cream over ice!

Have to stick with 3 shots NO CREAM NO ICE!!


P.S. That EXTRA 4th shot will over due it for me...

This sounds like we need a side Post covering coffee and the best places / ways to order it when we're out and about.

Great. Now my mouth is watering for a Quad! ;-)

Haha that is a great idea! As an ex barista, I have lots of tricks up my sleeve. 😉 I could probably put a post together today!

Excellent. I can wax poetic for days on good coffee. Well, maybe just a couple of minutes, but...

Man all this talk of espresso is really making me crave it! Heading down to my favorite shop now. 😜

Ok - my post is live! Thanks for the inspiration on a fun post idea. Here's the link -

I'd love to save money, but no thanks to their exclusive politics.

Completely agree, they've really got to make it easy to filter and get to the content you want. There's so much hinging on the website redesign, usability and user experience.

If they get it right, man, that alone could cause the price to jump quite a bit because those of us here will realize it right away.