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RE: Most Americans are far wealthier

in #discussion6 years ago (edited)

This is a, true, @patrimreminisci Im a citizen of the USA living in Malaysia and I can attest to what you're saying above first hand. McDonald's for instance which a franchisee in the states would be told the prices are fixed and there is no wiggle room as the food costs, labour, and property costs etc are why I a double cheese meal must cost around 6 dollars these days.

And while I'm well aware the property values are lower and the wages paid are lower here they do not make up for the significant drop in pricing that allows mcdeez to be the most profitable fast food chain here by leaps and bounds. The exact same product costs about Tree fiddy here or 3.50usd. This includes shipping costs that offset the lower operational costs here. But, again everything in the states is over evaluated and after extensive world traveling and interrogations at the US border i assure you that they prefer Americans just stay home and not go to places that expose the massive market manipulation taking place.

A series of invented bubbles designed to pop and fall into the right places at the expense of the global market. Eventually, sooner than many think this will balance out and it will be tough for all the pampered Americans living with blinders to survive without their avocado toast and soy lattes

Posted using Partiko Android


Good to meet another American Expat-to-Asia here on Steemit (I hang my hat in Beijing for the moment), and I had a feeling you'd know what I mean.
It is, as you say, a crying shame most US citizens haven't got a clue what life is like elsewhere. I think if some of these idiots who are demanding a $15 minimum wage, for example, went to the backwaters of the Philippines or the West provinces of China and got a look at what REAL poverty is, they'd spend less time demanding freebies and handouts. By the same token, if these SJW's shrieking about how racist America is could get a glimpse of how openly, unabashedly undisguised the everyday racism of Chinese society is, they'd realize that America really has far fewer problems than the media likes to whine about. I mean, as much as I despise the Zhonghua, can you imagine how filthy rich most Americans would be if we lived as frugally as they do?

America's biggest problem is that the generation currently consuming the greatest share of her wealth is the generation who has done the least to achieve it. These lotus-eaters of... well, honestly my generation and later I'm sorry to say, really need a kick in the @$$, and I've always wondered how to give it to them. I know mandatory military service isn't practical with a population our size, but some way or another, Americans desperately need to get over this idea that "the world" is a label that applies to Eastern Canada, Western Europe and the internet.

Hello, @patriamrminisci I had to wait for my RCs to fill up to comment back.i also took off to Phuket for the weekend.

Nice to meet you too, my posts have been a bit hard edged lately but I'm actually quite harmless unless provoked or trolled poorly. Quality trolling is acceptable, I do it myself, especially for all those recently recruited and receiving steem and SP to the tune of 1000s after one or two days here. This ensures they fight the futile flag war on the right side. It's really pathetic but speaks volumes as to the artificial world these westerners live in. They can't hack it out there in their cushy first world existence so they come here to invent something they think they can control, which they can't.

Am I off on a tangent again lol? Anyway, please don't feel I'm only here engaged in this drama, I came originally thinking I could help facilitate my NGO work and help heal all these worldwide wounds of inequality and race. I haven't given up on that, just realized I was being a bit naive about what I now refer to as the blockchaint.

I'm originally from east Tennessee and spent nearly a decade in the land of fruits and nuts in California. To each his own, but everywhere I roam it seems people can't see the forest for the trees. Though Malaysians are very much a progressive society in many ways especially in regards to tolerance and peaceful change.

All the best, have a good weekend in the Republic

Posted using Partiko Android

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