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RE: Florida Governor Rick Scott Calls

in #discussion6 years ago

Christopher Wray's resignation is not enough.

Jeff Sessions has been missing in action for a year now, allowing his department make congressional oversight difficult. Corporate oversight helps keep agencies like the Justice Dept and FBI accountable and doing the jobs they are supposed to be.

Rod Rosenstein needs to go as well. He has protected the politically biased leadership of the FBI instead of cleaning out the rotten apples and refocusing the FBI on its core mission.


Sessions has been missing..but I've not noticed any action.

Good point.

Missing in inaction

I agree it isn't enough, we need to stop funding the FBI.

Judicial Watch was on TV last night saying the FBI should be closed down and the good agents transferred over to the Marshall's Service who would assume responsibility for FBI core activities.

I think they are right - because it is hard not to see the FBI actions against Team Trump as anything but tresaon.

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