What's Your Opinion On Self Made Men ?

in #discussion7 years ago


There is one thing about successful people that has been fascinating to me. And this is tied to a particular phrase that is very prevalent in the businessworld

He is a self made Man

When they call someone self-made it means the person built whatever Business he/she built from scratch without any Input or assistance from others

Now in the world of business. Men like Bill Gates are the ones who are often put in this category because they built revolutionary businesses that seemed like a solo journey due to the lack of tools and support for the product they were offering

My Opinion

I have never believed in the phrase " self made man ". I believe that everyone who achieved something significant in this world had some form of help. No matter how small the help was

I have seen some Steemians call themselves self made, but we all know that is false. You need votes from others to make a significant amount of Money

Even Bill Gates made some strategic patnerships that made his operating system the most popular for Computer manufacturers around the world

Your Opinion

I will like to hear your opinion on this matter. Do you think that a Man/Woman can be self-made or do you think that everyone requires a form of synergy to succeed

So what do you think ?

Follow @ogochukwu


I think there is such a thing as self made. Being self made means you acquired your wealth yourself and it wasn't passed down to you through inheritance or 'dash'.

Also, self made men command respect and admiration of people, especially those wishing to be in their shoes.

I second this.

"Self-made man. A "self-made man" or "self-made woman" is a person who was born poor or otherwise disadvantaged, but who achieves economic or other success thanks to their own hard work and ingenuity rather than because of any inherited fortune, family connections, or other privileges."
Basically, it is okay to have help. I really do not believe that anyone can truly do anything in life without some form of assistance. i.e.-I cooked dinner for my family by myself, however, a farmer grew the product making the meal feasible. My grandchildren did their homework by themselves, but not without a #2 pencil that someone else had manufactured.

You're right - self-made man doesn't exist... Even Bill Bloody Gates had some support - his parents for starters. On Wikipedia it says that Gates went to a private fancy school...which his parents obviously paid for, as they probably put in some cash in his first business venture started at 17 years.

I don't really believe in that(a self made person). To achieve success some kind of interactions and communications must have been made which now makes a person work towards success. So in all sense I think there's gonna be some kinda support no matter how little for a man to taste greatness or success.


I agree with you to an extent, there is nothing like 100% self made, all the so called self made individuals needed the help of others to grow and earn lots of cash. Probably they had nothing at the start of their careers but possessed a unique ability or talent to rally others to support their ideas. Therefore the masses who purchased their products and services actually made them- they didn't make themselves. However, one can also argue that they made themselves with their unique idea/talent- it all depends how you want to view it.

It actually depends on the way you see the word "self-made" basically it's NOT possible to grow without the help of others, you can't say you got absolutely NO assistance from the outside world in building up yourself. There's a quote that says:

We are made up of thousands of others, everyone who has ever done a kind deed for us or spoken a word of encouragement to us, has entered into the makeup of our character and our thoughts as well as our success.

So it's naturally not possible to be that kind of self made. If you talk about people like Bill gates as "self-made", they were only termed that because they were individuals who arose from a poor or otherwise disadvantaged background to eminence in financial, political or other areas by nurturing qualities, such as perseverance, hard work, and ingenuity, as opposed to achieving these goals through inherited fortune, family connections, or other privileges. In other words their journey were more of a "solo" one but that doesn't mean they got NO assistance from the outside world.

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