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RE: Illegal immigrants cost the U.S.

in #discussion7 years ago (edited)

I am sorry you have rejected the Word of God. I am not in a position to help you in any way other than to pray for you to have your eyes opened. I will not dignify any more of your intolerant biases by answering any more of your logically-challenged paroxysms and your deep success envy disguised as "tolerance" and "diversity" promotion. What you are really promoting is the Devil's agenda and a global hatred for all things Christian, nationalist, and or individualist. What you are promoting is a LIE...a lie of the devil. You aren't really for diversity at all. You are for total amalgamation and destruction of all things with which your collectivism doesn't easily associate. In fact, you are blatantly INTOLERANT.

Collectivism has never worked and never will. God has destroyed it in the past, DIRECTLY, and will, according to Scripture, do so again. I will never condone it in any of its forms. Poverty and hunger in this world predate me by millennia. Your methods are proven failures, mine have proven successful wherever they have been permitted to flourish.

I am not responsible for the evils done by people I have never met and against whom I have fought most of my adult life. I guess I could put myself on a guilt trip (as you seem so desperate to have me do) for having more than some people in other countries, but again, none of that is my fault. I've worked for everything I have, and have never taken welfare. I've lost jobs for standing up against imperialism. I would be far richer today if I were the person you seem to want to paint me to be.

I will not succumb to your world view and it's inherent racism. I will not apologize for my limited successes. I will not be held responsible for things over which I have had ZERO control.

Genetic diversity has a lot to do with the way we were created, but it has ZERO to do with how humans should relate to each other. God Himself dispersed the various people's (and languages) at The Tower of Babel because he is Holy, and His plan did NOT condone world government or the crushing of national identities in some amorphous dystopian vision of how to improve humanity's condition.

I hate to be so blunt with you, but you need to wake up and deal with the fact of God's sovereignty (and His rules for humanity and human relations) before it's too late. I WILL pray for you.



I thank you for your prayer but you should save them for someone who wants and needs them. I live very happy and I am quite at peace with myself and those around me.

I don't mean to antagonize nor am I looking to convince you of anything. I also don't expect you to understand or comprehend me or my beliefs, but I also am not seeking your pity and again do not need it nor want it.

For me, your "feeling sorry for me" immediately makes me think you are judging me, and are not accepting of me or my beliefs or lack of them. I on the other hand accept that what you believe is your faith, but I do not feel sorry nor pity for you. I am not on a mountain top as most religious people are, and although you call me racist and intolerant, it has really been you spewing the hate and intolerance of those less fortunate under the guise of God's ordainments, but when I point out the flaws in your theory of God's nations, and who belongs where, you pick and choose which points you will address and those you will ignore.

I wonder if you even remember the comment you made to start all this....let me remind you and will end with that....

I betcha deporting every mother's child of 'em would cost less than a hundredth of that.
What are we waiting for??

Religious yet interested in deporting the Mothers of these children? How tolerant, humane and Christian is that? Or is there a bible verse that supports this too?

I said nothing about deporting mother's of the children, I clearly said "every mother's child of 'em"...i.e. ALL ILLEGAL ALIENS... gradually if necessary, and as intact family units whenever possible. And that is what I stand by. Right now, many who believe in collectivism in positions of political power have strongly incentivized them coming here, and that needs to stop NOW, so that most will simply return to their own countries on their own.

I sure would love to see how you would feel if 11 million illegal aliens showed up in your country, and then demanded all the welfare, social security, and other benefits of citizenship while refusing to learn the language or to acculturate in any way. THAT is the reality of what we face here in the USA. Our own citizens often get far less benefit from the government they support with their onerous tax burdens than do illegal aliens.

And yes, I do feel sorry for you that you have been tricked into swallowing collectivist lies.

Rather than pulling down the more economically successful nations, as globalists so desperately want to do, we all should be concentrating on lifting up ALL nations with education and proper tools for making their economies self supporting. We need to end swindling international organiztions such as the IMF and the World Bank which are nothing but vehicles of tyranny used by international elites to further impoverish the poorest of the poor.

We need global laissez-faire capitalism...which worked in the USA (and everywhere else it's been employed) until the Rockefellers, et al, destroyed it . We do NOT need collectivism. We absolutely do not need a world government.

You're dead wrong in your spiritual beliefs and your economic beliefs, and you were the first to insert "race" (whatever that even really means anymore) into the equation. That doesn't mean I hate you, or don't agree with other things that are very important. You are not going to ever turn me into a collectivist, and I doubt I will ever turn you into a laissez-faire capitalist, so let's just leave it at that, shall we?


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