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RE: How Much Land does it take To provide enough food

in #discussion6 years ago

I love math games/scenarios like this, especially when applied to real life situations...extra especially when applied to survival-like topics. Fascinating and clever, Everitt. Really enjoyed it.

The problem, of course, would be fertilizer...City people have no real idea about how to garden, especially if their lives were dependent on it (which one day they very well might) and even country boys like me HATE


The problem, of course, would be fertilizer
Shirely you got the part where this is a closed ecosystem?
The only outside inputs required is energy (from solar cells)
and topping off water lost to evaporation and consumption?

You mean to tell me that you don't know where the fertilizer comes from?
Are you SURE you're not a city boy?

nope, he does not understand, the problem is the fish food, that is where your fertilizer comes from, it's not a closed system at all..

except for energy the system COULD be closed...some of the plants that the fish poop feeds could feed the fish. The fish guts (when the fish are harvested, could feed black soldier grubs, which in turn could feed the fish)

yeah I know...It's a bit complex.

Now get off my lawn...I'm gonna let guinea pig tractors cut it... and fertilize it...and then harvest the guniea pigs (and the quail) and feed them to the black soldier ants and feed their grubs to the fish and feed their poop water to the plants, and......

endless circle..

NO's not a circle at all.
it's a moibus strip.

you should check out the numbers on rabbits if you haven't yet. one of the best doomsday preppers on the show doomsday preppers had a rabbit based lifestyle

start at 14:15 for the rabbit guy

soldier fly larvae would be an excellent food for the fish.

guinea pigs...make rabbits look like nuns..

I would probably need two or three for a good meal though, that's a lot of gutting and skinning. You would need an Incan woman to go with them. Did you see the part where he was making his own rabbit manure natural gas?

cavys (guinea pigs) weigh anywhere form a couple of pounds to about seven
Pretty much a meal.

fun fact..there are no wild horses they are all domesticated.
unlike horses none are feral.

methane is the product of biological decomposition...either in your gut (fart) or in a compost pile.

A typical breakdown of the chemical composition of farts is: Nitrogen: 20-90% Hydrogen: 0-50% (flammable) Carbon dioxide: 10-30% Oxygen: 0-10% Methane: 0-10% (flammable)

If you're pulling food out, you're gonna need to put nutrients in. Since there is nothing that is 100% efficient, you need to put in more nutrients than you pull out in food, and then deal with some waste too.

Nothing is perfect, but plenty is good enough.

Oh, I know where it comes from alright. I just don't enjoy handling

We used to have to hand shovel tons of it every 8-weeks when our broilers went to market and the tractor couldn't maneuver in the corners of the barn where we needed to get at all the deepest piles of s**

You could use the water from the pond as fertilizer? Aquaponics? Great source of nitrate

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