Make Thinking and Discussion Great Again

in #discussion5 years ago

There are several points of my concerns today that I would like to share. It's mostly a collection of thoughts that I haven't had the chance to jolt down. Hopefully we can have civil discussion about points I am mentioning below.

  • I enjoy the comfort of writing behind a pseudonym but I made mistakes in the past. I was young and reckless to share a lot of my personal information because it was the common norm. As I learned and following the current trends of how information is handled, I think it's reckless to keep our personal information recorded forever. However, I still believe there are certain information that should be shared for publicly. For instance, education, news, reports, documentary or art work- not our personal tiny bits of information. Nevertheless,I think it's unavoidable because the place where we communicate is advertised as social media.

  • The nature of social media is creating a brand of ourselves. How do you want the world to see you? little did we know, it is very powerful. Previously, we were perhaps just unimportant spec of dust whose voice suddenly matters because we managed to find our audience. Thenceforth, people put us on pedestal. When the people we adore made mistakes, we tried to bring them down as if there was no room for forgiveness. Truth is, there's room for forgiveness.

  • There should be normality to accept that people change. The person should not be considered as having a "flip-flop" personality. We live our life in constant change and evolving society. We adapt and make adjustments. As a person, I have changed my stances on several matters. I receive information, evaluate them with values I had, if necessary I make changes or adjustments. Mind you, this coming from someone who often referred as hard-headed. Hence, embrace it when people decide to change even if it is different from your ideas and beliefs.

  • Coercion works temporarily. People change their mind because they are under threat. It is the nature of human being to preserve their life under threat. Hence, the willingness to change is not permanent. When they finally find the courage to revolt, they will do so. Moreover it is fascinating to explore the reason behind "why people change."

  • Over the course of my life, I change my stances due information and experience I received. A simple thing will be, I was exploring alternative lifestyle of being a strict vegetarian. It turns out the strict diet is not suitable for my health.

  • Furthermore, it goes the same with the things I shared here. I want to go back writing down things I know just as before. However, I put too much of myself in the past that eventually, it felt like exposing everything. I am naturally reserved and understand the art of camouflaging. Yet, at the end of the day, the human part of me beautifully made mistake of craving a "real" connection. A connection behind pseudonym.

  • All things considered, I enjoy having discussion despite I hide behind a pseudonym.The craft of thinking, discussion, reading and evaluating need to be stimulated. Since it seems there's little room in our current society, as implied in this excerpt, "The television is 'real'. It is immediate, it has dimension. It tells you what to think and blasts it in. It must be right. It seems so right. It rushes you on so quickly to its own conclusions your mind hasn't time to protest, 'What nonsense!' " (Bradbury 39). At last, kindly reminder when having a discussion, no Ad hominem even worse name-calling.

- Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451. Del Ray, 1987.

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