The USA is so Great that we should adopt inferior countries policies???steemCreated with Sketch.

in #discussion7 years ago

According to the mainstream news, my FB feed, the people who wave their sky cloths around all nimbly bimbly, and most nearly every Tom, Dick, and Harry, the US of A is the greatest country in the whole wide world!!!

google img

So why then do I keep seeing arguments for gun bans and for universalized healthcare, from these same people, saying that "these other countries have it, so we should too!!!"

Aren't we supposed to be the most free country in the world? (I know, I know, we aren't. Play along) Free to spend our money how we want? Free to make decisions that may or may not be in our personal best interest? That we can do and say as we please (w/o infringing on someone else rights) without the possible consequence of getting black bagged? Isn't that what made us so great to begin with? Our differences from these other countries?

Why on earth would we want to emulate these other countries who we see as inferior to our own? Yet want to copy their ideas and restrictions on freedoms?

I am being sincere when I ask these questions. Also, I should clarify that I am asking these questions through the eyes as I perceive the typical American's political beliefs to be, aka, the belief in government and that they can fix our problems. I, myself, believe that government is illegitimate, but that doesn't make me not wonder what most of these people are thinking.

I hope @adamkokesh doesn't mind me using the img cover of his book :) Definitely check it out if you haven't, great read!

It would be like saying you have the best house on the block because it's white in color and every other house is yellow. Then in the next breath, screaming that you want your house to be yellow. It's mind boggling to me the logical gymnastics these people must endure on a daily basis.

What are your thoughts?

Is the US the best country in the world?

Has it ever been?

Or has our time come and the grass is greener on the other side of the border?

Or, are you like me? There is no us. Only the people in power, and then the rest of us. And the time has come to be free from the chains of all government.



No gymnastics required, because they're not thinking thoughts, they're feeling feelings.

Good call! It is much easier to have a static, non-principled opinion when you're going off your feelings, rather than actual facts.

Some people think US is the most beautiful country but the truth is no. When you're in US of A its likely your residing the big brother house, where the feds and cia keep on spying you. However, compare it to other country US is better. But still I love Australia.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But you are correct, privacy has been out the window for quite some time now.

The US pretends to be free.

The very painful reality is that all you have to do is fail to "comply," even slightly, and you will be crushed. Been there, done that, still doing it...



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