The Free-Market case for the SBD - My 2 Steems Worth

in #discussion7 years ago (edited)

After reading lots of posts about the current and future possibilities of the SBD price, it got me thinking last night..."I wonder when @ned and @dantheman were putting the final touches on Steemit before they launched it were they thinking, 'Let's see how long it takes before people start calling for regulation and market manipulation?'


It didn't take too long.

At first, it was the flag war. "We must do something! Won't someone pleeeease think of the children?!?"

Afterwards (and still to today) it's been about raping the rewards pool. @haejin and his crew vs. @berniesanders and his crew. I've heard a few people beg for someone to step in and make it right. I don't know what the solution is to this one, but I believe the free market will eventually settle it.

The "NOW" mentality

The most recent example is the oddly high price of the SBD (STEEM backed dollar). There are those who are thinking in the now, who want to keep it the way it is. Accepting half of your post rewards as SBD and selling them on the open market at a (usually) 5x multiple. This makes your $10 post really worth $30, $5 in SP and $5 in SBD worth currently around $25. Minnows and dolphins seem to like this the most as it makes their small payouts worth much more. It also seems to be a major incentive to newer users who haven't been able to achieve the monetary goals they had aspired to.

The "Long Term" mentality

On the flip side, we have some whales and others thinking long term. They don't necessarily need the SBD to be so high, mainly (my guess) is that they don't need the funds that bad (please note: I am not saying that the whales aren't appreciating the extra value they get from their SBD, but in the long term they would rather have a stable SBD which would result in even bigger returns in the future should vendors accept SBD as payment). They are thinking long-term. A stable SBD that hovers around one USD is much more appealing to vendors who we are trying to get to accept the SBD as payment for their products or services.


The way I've seen it, the vast majority of people are sending their SBD to an exchange almost immediately on payout. There are some people hoarding it who may not need the extra $ right now. But most people don't have that kind of whale money in their account to not sell their SBD.

Why is the SBD so high to begin with? I honestly can't say for certain. What I can say for certain though, is that the Free-Market is the end all be all of what people want. Simply because the Free-Market is made up of said people.

I believe it won't take very long for the SBD to come back down to earth. There is simply too much pressure on the selling side for it to stay at it's current rate.

STEEMIT to me is a window into how people accustomed to Authoritarianism will handle anarchy and a true Free-Market.

My 2 Steems worth is that we step back and let the market do its thing.

I would love to hear what you have to say regarding this matter. Let's get an @timcliff #discussion going on this.

Peace and Love my fellow Steemians! Long live STEEM!


I agree. Let the market decide. I'm enjoying the high SBD right now. I've been using some of them to buy other alts that are on "sale" since the market turned this January.

Same here @pbgreenpoint . It has let me diversify a little bit more into some home run opportunity alts and at the same time re-invest into actual STEEM. Seems like a win-win to me :)

Thanks for your input!

I definitely agree. It may or may not be an untenable situation in the long term, but for now it's attracting new users and keeping people interested in posting on the platform. And if it really is untenable, it'll sort itself out without intervention.

Thanks for the post. Resteemed.

if it really is untenable, it'll sort itself out without intervention.

Absolutely! The best part though is like you said, attracting new users and incentivizing quality posts. Why forcibly change that?

Love the re-steem! Thanks so much @lesliestarrohara

Attracting new users is definitely worthwhile, and I see your point about the market handling itself.

Great post. Yes we are not used to a free market at all. I agree it will be very interesting to see how steemit handles it.

Thanks man! WE are Steemit! You and I! WE are the Market. Let's hope that we can remember that :)

Get while the getting is good.
Make hay while the sun shines.
It is what it is.
Take advantage of it while it last.
but DO NOT attempt to mess with what you do not understand.
that never ends well.

That sums it up quite nicely, thanks @everittdmickey !

Most often lost on those wanting to intervene are the unintended consequences of their actions. Similar to releasing a bunch of snakes to take out the rodents. Eventually you need something to get rid of all the snakes! And it goes on...

If SBD is a debt note redeemable for $1 worth of STEEM, it seems like it should be possible to automate an instantaneous procedure for swapping back and forth between STEEM and SBD. This would allow market forces to determine the value of each while guarding against situations (like now) where the price of STEEM may be artificially suppressed by an inflated SBD price on exchanges.

it should be possible to automate an instantaneous procedure for swapping back and forth between STEEM and SBD.

I can't remember where I read something regarding this...but I think it had to do with using one or the other to pump and dump, I'll see if I can find it...

This would allow market forces to determine the value of each while guarding against situations (like now) where the price of STEEM may be artificially suppressed by an inflated SBD price on exchanges.

I think the market is valuing each of them in accordance currently? No?

And is the SBD being this high really a situation? It's growing the platform and people are making more money, seems like a win-win to me.

I don't think STEEM is necessarily being suppressed by a high SBD price. Even though they are technically both cryptos on the STEEM BC, they are independent of each other. I don't see the correlation between a high SBD price and a low STEEM price. But maybe I'm missing something...?

Reliable information seems to be scattered in all sorts of nooks and crannies. Thanks for your "Two Steems Worth!"

I still haven't made up my mind about the SBD situation, but I would definitely lean towards the conservative, longterm approach.

Resteemed to promote this worthwhile discussion.

Haha, no doubt, lots of info out there and it can be difficult to decipher what's relevant and what's noise.

but I would definitely lean towards the conservative, long term approach.

I don't see anything wrong with wanting the SBD to be around a dollar, I agree it would probably be more beneficial in the long run. But I think we can get there without any market intervention.

Thanks for the re-steem too!

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