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RE: If the liberals are right, and everything is getting WORSE

in #discussion7 years ago

These numbers are tanking in the us. All preventable illness is up, early death from preventable causes is up, obesity is up. Etc, etc...

Many western countries and especially the us, are predicted to depopulate in the un 2030 report you can find in pdf. This is why immigration is needed since the current populations will be gone. I'm sad to see it, and fascinated to witness.


Wait a second...I thought you didnt believe in reports since they have to be done by the rich?

Those UN reports put together by poor people.

it is to laugh.
ain't NOTHING poor about the UN
not the building they work in
not the value of that property
not the millions if not billions of dollars they spend yearly.

It's a huge drain on the world...

I'll put it this way. Read agenda 2020 first. See how far along they are. It's all charted out for a 5th grade reading level.

Then read agenda 2030 and see if you like the direction.

The other case we were talking about was not in the same genre. I do not believe in or follow "studies" funded by rich people to prove their points and make more money.

These un agendas are not studies. They are working documents and most of the world's countries are working though them to varying degrees. The us and australia are known to be experimentation sites for aspects of the various plans. It's very wide ranging.

The un agendas are "Agendas" we live under, not studies.

Similarly, the cdc reports are statistics gathered from dead and sick americans required to be reported. If anything, they would be hiding the number of illnesses, not over-reporting.

It is true that cdc stats could be fake. But as far as I know from working in hospitals, everybody is reporting all their illness info up the chain so the govt can have it. I think they are generally gathered and reported appropriately but could be faked.

In the case of obesity, I see fat people, and the cdc says 70% of americans are fat. I think that's low, but ok.

to the extent that those numbers are up
(if they really are)
I suspect that it would be due to diseases carried into this country by Illegal Aliens.
the decline in childhood vaccinations.

Not other potential reasons, such as exponential increase in incarcerations? That has to have an effect on life expentancy, and numbers of prisoners have ballooned in the USA.

"Life Expectancy for White Americans Declines"
"African-American men gained 0.4 year of life expectancy in 2014, to 72.2 years"

I'm feeling the heat.

I blame Obama

Makes sense to me.

This is nothing to do with contagious diseases. It relates to the increases in preventable disease such as stroke. heart attack, cancer, auto-immune diseases, internal organ failures etc. All of this is in the cdc reporting and the numbers are taking a sharp uptick in pretty much every preventable illness in the us.

For example - smoking is way down, yet lung cancer is way up. All obesity related diseases are way up. Brain tumors through the roof. (nothing to do with cell phones and smart meters so don't worry and keep your head near them as much as you can.)

Pick any illness in that category "preventable" - check the cdc site and you will see both incidence and mortality rates skyrocketing. This label is so they can blame the victim if people ever wise up and notice.

As far a vaccines - the us population is the most vaccinated of all countries. Vaccine usage is up - not down. In the last several years people have been required to get the shots for school and work which was not previously the case. Many people who used to fly under the radar are now getting the shots.

The death rates from all of the shots is higher than the death rate for the disease itself including flu per cdc reporting.

All of this information can be found in the cdc info and in vaccine court records. This court provides a layer of protection to the drug makers so that they cannot be sued for any shot damage. If someone is shot damaged, they are assigned as a case to the court which settles 1 Billion usd per year which then leads to lifetime benefits for the damaged person or death benefits to the family.

If you get sick from a shot, you are lucky if you are part of "class." These are shots know to cause certain damage so your case gets settled quickly if you fit the profile. If you have unusual symptoms, you have to go through a lot of hoops to prove why you are sick or dead.

The pdf's make interesting reading. The court is very confused as to why claims are skyrocketing in the last few years. It's easy reading and eye-opening.

The us has over 60 shots for kids now. Meanwhile, here in Thailand, the kids have 7 childhood shots recommended and none required. That number is pretty consistent across SE Asia where the general population is noticeably healthier than the us population.

Another factor to consider is that many of the things we now see "more" of... aren't actually increasing in occurrence rates. We're just WAY better at detecting them.

What would the cancer detection rate have been in 1865 if there were MRI machines? Likely high, given the amount of oil/coal/wood smoke people were exposed to. Instead they were probably all misdiagnosed with "consumption" (tuberculosis) since the symptoms would have been the same.

This is why there is a difference between how correlation and causation are defined... a correlation suggest, but doesn't confirm, a cause. Causation is confirmed by both the observation of a correlation and the elimination of other possible variables.

What's interesting to me is how cancers, particularly lung cancer, began to skyrocket immediately after the above ground nuclear tests began.

"...smoking is way down, yet lung cancer is way up..."

This is not a new trend.

Air pollution is one of the causes of lung cancer, especially in places where it involves PM 2.5 (Particulate Matter that is 2.5 micrometers in diameter or smaller).

Particle Pollution (PM)

Texas figures

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