Washington Post's BOMBSHELL:

in #discussion6 years ago

Kavanaugh Had Credit Card Debt

... And Paid It Off

One more reason that WaPo and other members of the Enemedia have no credibility.

The WaPo is on a witch hunt.


Need more explanation the we can understand...

you're just being modest.
no doubt you've read the linked article and totally understand.

I think I would like to hear you on a radio show. Your comments are witty and hilarious. And I like hearing about this stuff.

oh my...Imagine me on a radio show.
is the world ready?

I saw that one yesterday, like OMG he bought some baseball tickets! I like that sort of thing, it means they don't have shit on this guy.

why don't they scrutinize democratic judge nominations so carefully?

LOL yeah, that's a fucking mystery! Just how many softball tickets did Sotomayor buy?

it'd be VERY interesting to scruntinize the 'wise latina's' financial history to the same degree.
Chuck U Schumer said that impeachment of SCOTUS was on the table.

He is out of his mind. I am sure he sees all sorts of shit that is not there.

a warmongering socialist who recently tried to ban alcohol

wonderful Jeff Bezos and his WaPo

everyone needs a hobby.

...my new hobby is down voting smidge, after he down voted my posts! the cheek!

go for it..

There is no reason for this, it can be any time.

when speaking of WaPo or the Enemedia reason doesn't enter into the equation.
it's all about hate. They are socialists and thus they hate freedom.

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