Thou Shall NOT commit

in #discussion7 years ago

Logical Fallacies
But most people do.
In fact they get seriously annoyed when called out.

Perhaps I'm getting old or have a poor memory of the past. Perhaps I long for the day when people used to think for themselves and discuss topics reasonably and logically. Or perhaps that never happened. Perhaps I dream of a fantasy.


The most miserable fallacies are those that are committed intentionally to persuade or manipulate others and especially the ignorant people; and this inevitably leads us to remind us of the politicians and the media, What ability to handle arguments or explanations that hide the great truths!. I think it is a specialization of these two actors (politicians and media) ... And yes, it is very important that people learn to differentiate a solid argument from one that presents lies ... It seems that fallacy, ignorance and populism or socialism, they are great friends.

Lol.Never heard of this one. logical fallacy? What figure of speech is that?

it's not a figure of speech.
follow the link.

I did so before now. They didn't explain much but directed me to other links

each of the 'buttons' is a link, as you say, which take you to a page which defines and discusses a particular logical fallacy.

I now certainly understand . Thanks for putting me through

yeah , I think I`ll stop reading this author

thanks for the share....fallacies everywhere and everyday

what made you think that way,,,

yeah i get it - people are morons and can't understand basic shit. If you try and explain logic to them then the zombies look at you like you're a freak!

I think most people have a poor memory - otherwise how could they fall for the same lies over and over again??

I think most people have been taught WHAT to think (by school and church) and very little teaching about HOW to think. Rules of logic for example, inductive vs deductive reasoning...

Might as well be black magic to most people.

To much higher learning, not enough life learning.

Your post was very good, thank you, for this post,

I did sk before now. They didn't explain much but asked me to check other links

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