The Norks have nuke tipped ICBMs
We have Thadd
Pentagon To Deploy Anti-Missile Systems On West Coast To Protect Against North Korean ICBM Attack
The Norks have one or two ICBMS...(they say. I don't believe them) We have a great many THADDS.
There MAY (probably are) other defense systems that no one is talking about.
Thank Ronald Reagan.
i wonder how come all enemies of america share one thing.
its like, every single one of them is painted like villain from cartoon, crazy, illogical and making decisions out of pure evil and hate toward american freedoms.
now serious question, do you really believe they would ever do such thing as firing missile with nuclear warhead at another country?
oh hell yeah I do.
the Norks are crazy as bedbugs on angel dust.
You mean you don't believe they'd do what they said they'd do?
do you think they would lie?
doesn't matter..
if they do
we'll shoot it down
then do some urban renewal..
nuclear style.
Wow , so disappointed with your view on NK . Did it ever cross your mind that CNN is maybe lying about whole thing , same like they do with domestic issues ? Every country that does not want to be US colony is either full of crazy's or Nazis . Why would anybody want to be your slave ? Do you have any clue on what happens to those countries that submit to US rule ?
I guess only revolution in 1776 was justified and if anybody goes against US empire they will get "urban renewal" .
WOW , who the hell you people think you are !?
Wow , so disappointed with your view on NK
I'll try to bear up under the weight of the awful guilt that your disappointment causes me. It'll be hard..but I'll try.
As far as CNN? Do you for one minute think I watch it? I'm so disappointed in your view of MY viewing habits.
I will ignore the other logical fallacies you wrote..not worth the trouble to debunk them.
How can you even think about nuking someone !?
you don't seem to have a problem with the Norks nuking the US FIRST?
Kim Fatboy has been talking about it...loudly and incessantly...for months.
You don't have a problem with that?
They are scared they will end up like : Yugoslavia, Iraq 1 and 2, Afghanistan , Libya , Syria ....
That is the only reason they want nukes . They are not bothering anybody , leave them alone
What doe the Norks have that anyone else might want?
In case you haven't been paying attention
Kim FatBoy is the aggressor.
By the way Benjamin Netanyahu wrote a book about attacking Iran and North Korea back in 1990`s . That is who is setting US agenda . Shame
aww...I get it now.
it's the JEEEEEWS.
those evil bastards!!!
Of course not. my bet is that next nuke fired on earth will prolly be Israel nuking itself to get rid of palestine and expand muh territories.
Kim is just trolling like a pro. And making himself sort of god, with even stronger support from people of NK. If thats possible.
Its fun in a way. Especially fun is how media is feeding people with fear, and making majority shit their pants over literally nothing..
It wont work that way anymore, that times are past. Media efforts are not enough to start the war anymore.
Kim knows it. And uses it to troll hard and be a big scene player. Thats his ambition, he got there, and he won ^
Firing the missile would destroy his country, his kingdom. Why would anyone do that? People wont go to suicide and wreckage of their country because they hate American values really^
That would be some comic villain shit.
NOT firing the rocket would be the SMART thing to do.
honestly, i would need a LOT of evidence to start believing he has any missiles at all.
so far, theres only his trolling tirades, hysteric media fearmongering and budget expanding attempts from weapon dealers like lockheed.
its like people saying, how its possible that they made intercontinental missile under sanctions and blockade. noone considers most logical possibility that they didnt made it at all ^
would the city that you live in being vaporized convince you?
sure. but where are the cities they vaporised so far?
he cant vaporise even rocket hes trying to fire desperately.
he who?
but yeah...we can.
the norks have two or three rockets (if they have that many)
we have a bunchaton of other stuff.
NK uses underground testing. It has contaminated the earth and caused some issues with the chinese also.
North korea actually has more submarines thanks to china and russia. Use google maps and look at the rail lines going in and out of NK. Sanctions are a joke and only hurt the common people. The fastest way to shut down NK is to impose a $150,000.00 "Security tax" on every shipping container leaving for the US from China. Make it so ridiculously expensive to purchase chinese products and the problem will be solved.
yes. We dropped 2 on japan.
Protection is not superfluous. In this case, it is better to insure yourself.
yup...I imagine we are.
I'm really surprised ICBMs have not been rendered obsolete. Its almost like this threat has been intentionally prolonged way beyond its 1980s shelf life. This is just a feeling I have from growing up with it. I have no proof either way, just spouting off.
the lazer Avenger there is a new type of weapon on the battlefield and it's not just something from a science-fiction movie all military generals know that a launched missile