The Media Are Lying

in #discussion6 years ago

About Trump Separating Illegal Immigrant Families. saw that coming
Three of their lies.
There are many more.

  1. Trump Created Separation Of Children From Illegal Immigrant Parents. This is plainly false.
  2. Immigrants Seeking Asylum Are Being Punished For Seeking Asylum. This is plainly untrue as well.
  3. The Trump Facilities Are Awful Thanks To Trump. They may be awful, but they were just as awful under President Obama

Yea no one said anything in 2014 when the photos originally came out via the associated press.

  1. Of course they are lying the media always lies about Trump. But from my understanding the policy of separating children from their parents was put into place by Bill Clinton.

  2. I personally haven't looked into that part enough to know if it is largely true or not.

  3. From the pictures I've seen they were even worse under Obama.

the pictures ARE from the Obama reign of error.

Never trust what you see in the news.

Didn't session quote bible to defend his policy decision?

Children have been taken away from felonious parents for hundreds of years.

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