The Dallas Police

in #discussion6 years ago (edited)

Has a problem

  • One witness reported hearing a woman yelling, “Let me in! Let me in!” before the gunshots and a man’s voice saying, “Oh my God. Why did you do that?” after them.

Three days later the shooter was arrested.

The Botham Jean killing: Should the cop be charged with manslaughter or murder?

hint: remember Twin-Peaks?. It's been about three years. What has happened. Has justice been served? Were the right people charged?

Cops are like that.


I feel like if it was a non white cop or a white victim that no one outside of Texas would have ever even heard about this case.

Cops shoot white people a hell of a lot more than blacks, and wouldn't you know it? not a peep, nor single protest blocking the streets for white victims. Protests are usually in favor of thugs though. I'm not meaning "thugs" as in "blacks" but thugs as in people commiting a crime.

Not to say that's always the case though either.

I was raised in Dallas, Pleasant Grove area and yes the police were terrible back then too. Some things never change I guess.

There seems to be a flaw in the training of these officers, I had asked a RCMP officer here about his views on police shootings from the USA. Constable Jewks was his name said “I would not want to be apart of their policing force” after a little back and forth he challenged me to find any consistent evidence of activity like that happening in Canada and to look into the difference of training programs. I do believe he had a solid point on the subject.

I say charge the bastards with murder, “we don’t shoot to kill here in Canada” straight from officer Jewks.

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So they shoot people to wound them? that's twisted. Usually if you don't need to kill someone then you don't need to shoot them at all.

It’s called disarm and disable, even in a situation where action is needed having training to value the life of the other party is what entails what actions will be taken.

See it’s not like the USA here, they tend not to shoot unless the threat is perceived to be real. Officers take an oath to uphold the law and protect life therefor if not able to justify the death of an individual the officer will be held accountable.

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In Texas if you come home and there is someone you don't know in your house you shoot that motherfucker, actually being in your own house is essential for this system to work though.
Here in America the police have repeatedly gone to court to assert and the courts have upheld that the police are not obligated to protect anyone. They actually have an obligation to protect people there, can you sue the police if they fail to protect you?

No you cannot sue the RCMP for monetary gains but you could take them to the authorities on the subject for reprimand I think once you win the case against the officer having been reprimanded you could then sue him for losses but again this whole shooting people thing just does not happen very often here as they must also value the life of the assailant and would much rather a non forceful take down.

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