The Biggest Threat to America's Future

in #discussion6 years ago

Is the Media

  • Today, the media in the United States are not objective seekers and disseminators of truth. In truth, the media serve as the propagandist and protector of the forces that want to change America from a constitutional republic to a socialist state. The evidence is clear and overwhelming of the countless times the media have selectively covered what promotes leftist ideals and ignored or altered the facts of what exposes the sinister leftist agenda. The clear examples of media bias, misinformation, and deceit are inescapable.


They're only 'inescapable' if you pay attention. Most people of my acquaintance only watch the 'news' a few minutes a day and they're NOT really paying close attention to it while they are doing so.

Consequently they fall prey to the time tested techniques perfected by advertising. They only see the headlines and the (carefully crafted) 'opinions' of the talking heads that read the news.

IF you look at more than fifteen minutes of HEADLINE NEWS then it becomes quite evident that they are lying.


  • The pervasively destructive demand for politically correct language extinguishes the essential means of communication. It is a fundamental part of liberty that Americans need to speak freely and openly without concern regarding hurting the feelings of others. Political correctness is a weapon in the arsenal of the left,

For example:
"The FBI put a mole in Trump's campaign in order to protect him."

The Secret Service protects the candidates, not the FBI.

It would appear that pretty much anything that the FBI says is false.
If it's illegal to lie TO the FBI...why is it not illegal for them to lie to us?

This was something that a newspaper was saying.

But...yeah...the FBI needs to clean house.

So very true! Hope you are doing well.

I think media is responsible for ordinary people in the right time to deliver the right news.............If the media does not broadcast the correct news then the general public will be confused. Their confidence in the media will be lost.

This is a global media attack ...

These media outfits are done because the banksters are cooked and that is who running them. The media is nothing more than one arm of the banksters (the government being the other), providing the one-two combo to enslave people.

As blockchain starts to work its way through the financial industry, completely disrupting it, we are going to see the media outfits left swaying in the wind.

The FUD they are going to espouse as the banksters are going down is going to kill whatever legitimacy they have left (from whatever knuckleheads still believe them).

Given that a huge swath of America's media is Chinese-owned, I'd say this downward spiral in their quality of journalism is not so much by incompetence as by design.

  1. Anne-Marie Brady's "Magic Weapons" report highlighted how China is using foreign media as tools for their own propaganda.
  2. George Friedman's "History of fake News" showed how the internet is turning the world into a "Mob-ocracy," thus destabilizing the Western concept of Democracy.
  3. Jahara Matisek wrote an article for The National Interest wherein he speculated that this is precisely China's goal.
  4. China/US Focus, a Chinese propaganda publication, openly stated their goal of establishing a global culture that shuns Democracy and embraces Single-Party rule.

Conclusion: China is behind it, they seek to show the world "Democracy doesn't work so why have you been following America? follow us instead," they are using the Western Media networks they own to turn Democracy into chaos as a step toward accomplishing it, and they're close to achieving it.

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