in #discussion7 years ago


yeah yeah ...I'm not impressed...just words... heard it all before...many times....where's the action

  • Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) blasted the FBI and Senate Democrats on Wednesday for their unwillingness to fairly investigate Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration, stating that the Democrats on the committee he oversees “only want to talk about [President] Trump.”

All of the Rinos serveyed...thought the speech was fine.

now where's the bribery money...
er...campaign contributions.


Politicians haven't changed they're all part of the same bird, left or right winged.
Full of hot air and empty promises we need to cut goverment to the BONE.
then crack the bones and suck out the marrow.
the government that governs BEST
is the one that governs least.
better yet..not at all
all the government needs to do is to PROTECT the people.
other than that...leave them ALONE.

This is why I love steemit and crypto, no way to control the platform, it's users or control their money supply.
People are tired of the manipulations. Love seeing these Hollywood pervs get cut, politicians getting caught, currency making a new direction. Seems like society is waking up and the controllers are becoming hysterical

NO ONE predicted the Internet.
OR..the BlockChain.
I like it.

Where is the action, indeed? I believe that they say just enough to keep false hopes alive in some of, to keep us tied up in it all, but at the end of the day, they all are complicit in knowing that Hillary and her corrupt, treasonous, pedophile cronies will never see a prison cell before their death of natural causes. The best we can hope for is that they kick the bucket, and soon.

Actually we can expect better.
MUCH better.
Unintended and unforeseen consequences of advancing technology.
and like that.
it's advancing preeeeety quick

there's an app for that.
the internet, the block chain and who the hell knows what else.
the guberment certainly does NOT.
the gubment is stupidly insane.
we're almost to the STRAIGHT up part on the graph
fasten your seat belts.

Trump is the president right now, has a lot of issues, and is still being investigated. Hillary is not the president and has already been investigated more than any other politician in modern history. One of these takes precedence.

Grassley lost all credibility when he violated the Constitution and his oath of office for an entire year to prevent a Supreme Court nominee from getting an up or down vote on the Senate floor.

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