
Earthquakes and volcanic events are being effected by the increase in comic solar flux energizing the magma in the earth's crust, additional effects from the Grand Solar Minimum with sunspots almost at zero.

Not yet. Gotta do some digging first to see if I can come up with an educated guess.

HAARP raises the stratosphere, as far as I remember, which then effects the earth with earthquakes. Again, haven't looked into this for a little while, so I need to do some digging.

Weather manipulation. HAARP. NEXRAD. Lots of manipulations going on.

You don't think it's the lizard people?
It WAS underground.
by the case you are sarcasm impaired.
I don't accept your premise that there is any weather manipulation.
nor your underlying assumption that there is a vast conspiracy.

Okay. Not here to change your mind.

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