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RE: Two Years of the

in #discussion6 years ago

during Obama's reign of error I lost everything that I'd worked for for my entire life due to his economic policies.

during the two years of the Trump administration I've gained it all back...due to HIS economic policies..

so me a Trump Troll if you like. I wear that label proudly.


I am sorry that things didn't work out for you during Obama's Presidency. It didn't really matter or affect me during this time. Although the stock market bull run did start during Obama's Presidency and has continued on through to Trump's.
I personally don't see anything spectacular that Trump has done to really affect the economy other than to maybe keep the rally going. The question now begs, for how long does this Bull run last, especially now that we are in a Trump created tariff trade war.
Yes the Chinese has been very unfair for a long time from their monetary policies to their turning a blind eye to Intellectual Property theft, but despite this the World churned on with many of the wealthy economies going strong.
Now the markets are slowly but surely slowing down, with many now claiming that the sky is about to fall. If it does, I won't blame Trump, although many will, especially because he is pompous, obnoxious and conceited, so they will want to find fault should the economy slow down or even head into a recession. I hope this doesn't happen, but banksters always get their money.

you may be too young to remember Reagan.
Trump's economy is Reagan's part two...only Trump is a lot more assertive than Reagan. He's doing it twice as fast.

You're right about the banksters.....members of the swamp.
They're Trump's enemies too.

I remember when Reagan was President but yes, during those years I was still wet behind the ears. Although I always did like Reagan's poise and style, but then again he was an actor.
And as for the financial crisis from 2008, it did sadly affect millions of Americans, but it was brewing years before Obama became President. I think signs first showed in 2007 but they weren't felt until much later.
As for Trump, it'd be fine if he was assertive, but he is also abrasive. I sincerely hope he hasn't pulled a fast one.

have you ever heard the phrase "deeds...not words."?
what has trump done...what has he accomplished (against overwhelming odds)
why should I be concerned about the way he speaks?

Most of the people his pisses off....deserve it.

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