
Can't really argue with that, good point. The transitions into the next thing can be difficult to say the least. But, you're absolutely correct and not just philosophically speaking. Time will tell if this holds true to form with clean fresh drinking water in the nearer future than we would like to imagine. Humans are survivors and we ourselves can be replaced too. I don't know if you intended to hit on something so profound, but you've exemplified the abundance vs scarcity mentality with your astute counter to my comment.

Afterall nothing can be created or destroyed, nothing lasts but nothing is lost either. This is a notion taken from William Blake

Cheers @everittdmickey

Posted using Partiko Android

clean fresh drinking water in the nearer future

1,000 gallons of desalinated seawater water cost $3 to $4
right now.

I pay almost that much per GALLON at the store NOW. Someone is making a big profit.

Wow, I was unaware Desalination had gotten that cheap. And, yes some of the big conglomerates like Nestle are absolutely raking in the dough.

Posted using Partiko Android

desalinization is pretty much free...if you do it yourself

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