
are they giving away the seed or are they freely licensing the genetic intellectual property to anyone who wants it?
Is it patented? What happens with other GMOs is that some seed or pollen gets into a farmers field and then they sue that farmer for stealing their intellectual property. That's pretty shitty.

]In early 2001, the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in the Philippines became the first licensee of Professors Ingo Potrykus and Peter Beyer for what became known as Golden Rice.
IRRI agreed to develop Golden Rice to fulfil the inventors' vision: to make the nutritional benefits of Golden Rice available as an additional intervention for vitamin A deficiency (VAD), without any additional cost compared to white rice, in developing countries to governments, small farmers or consumers. Except for commercial export, no restrictions were imposed on what the farmers could do with the seed. Golden Rice was designed by its inventors, and the technology donated by them, to help the ‘resource poor’.

so those in some third world countries are licensed to produce it for domestic consumption, what is the licensing agreement in America?
what if one of those third worlders did want to make a little money and sell their rice, what happens to them?

"Except for commercial export, no restrictions were imposed on what the farmers could do with the seed. Golden Rice was designed by its inventors, and the technology donated by them, to help the ‘resource poor’.

what part of export is unclear?

no part, what part of, they have a restricted license because of that restriction is unclear? So if they exported it then they would be sued or have some other penalty imposed. That is the license agreement for the people in the Philippines who hold the license to produce this rice, what is the license agreement for those in America producing this rice?

let's recap.
an organization spent millions of dollars to develop a variety of rice that will prevent children from going blind.

They've donated almost all the rights to those who need the tech.

you're upset because they didn't donate ALL the rights.

is that correct?

I saw something saying they gave a restricted license to someone in the Philippines, nothing about if the US license was donated or what restrictions it has or who the licensees are and if they are operating on a for profit model or not.
I am sure I didn't say I was "upset" rather I questioned how the product would be licensed in the US and what implications it would have on other farmers.

the term 'looking a gift horse in the mouth' comes to mind.

from reading the linked article it doesn't seem that they have a profit motive in this venture.
regarding 'stealing intellectual' property and the farmer you refer to.
that doesn't pass the smell test...
do you suppose there might be something more to it?
what are the motives of those who reported on the incident.
did it really happen or is it fake news.
like so much else the enemedia reports now days?

the media reports very little on it, the food industry is one of their big sponsors, most GMOs in production in America are Monsanto products, if you are caught with their DNA in your corn they will sue you.
The case is Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association, et al., v. Monsanto Company
There was a flurry of lefty outrage at the time but since then very little.

The decision rendered by the three-judge panel at the Court of Appeals in September 2013 legally bound Monsanto to their courtroom assurances− that Monsanto would not “take legal action against growers whose crops might inadvertently contain traces of Monsanto biotech genes (because, for example, some transgenic seed or pollen blew onto the grower’s land).

you were saying?

So basically you have Monsanto promising to play nice, worthless, the farmers appealed that and lost again:

On September 5, 2013, the plaintiffs appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court in order to attain full protection for American farmers. On January 13, 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a decision in OSGATA et al. v. Monsanto. Farmers were denied the right to argue their case in court and gain protection from potential abuse by the agrichemical and genetic engineering giant, Monsanto.

Monsanto no longer exists. happy now?

did they change their name.

nope...they're gone.
Monsanto no longer exists.

Monsanto no longer exists. happy now?

I was happy before.

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