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RE: CNN anchor on “angry mob” spat:

in #discussion6 years ago (edited)

As you probably know from dealing with me over the years, I'm not ideological. To me the angry mob is the angry mob. The government serves the people.

coulda fooled me...i thought you were a liberal

What do liberals believe in? And what did you think I believe in? As far as I know, the one thing I agree with liberals on (some liberals) is basic income.

there you have it.
Liberals believe in taking other peoples money to do....stuff.
minus a service charge of course.

You and your assumptions. I never said I prefer "taking other people's money" to fund basic income. The Alaska Permanent Fund and Sovereign Wealth Funds in foreign countries have basic income without taking money from other people. Be creative.

If Basic Income can be obtained without extortion or theft...I'm all for it.

The Alaska Permanent Fund is fueled by oil company revenues so it really is people's money going to other people.

Is it Oil Company Revenues or is it the money that the Oil Companies pay to lease State land for drilling.

Sounds like a good plan if it is.
I wish Texas would do the same thing for Off shore drilling.

Governments are at liberty to print as much money as they care to until inflation gets out of hand. The Alaska Permanent Fund is funded by oil revenues. Oil companies cannot print currency so they raise prices to consumers to then funnel to the fund. People are receiving other people's money.

Oil comes from the earth itself. Oil having a price produces profit for oil companies. The dividends from this economic growth is funneled via the Permanent Fund.

In other words what you are saying is to pay a dividend is to give other people's money? So it's zero sum? The wealth cannot grow and the pie is fixed?

The Alaska Permanent Fund is a state owned company which pays a dividend. The shareholders are the citizens.

Oil companies cannot print currency so they raise prices to consumers to then funnel to the fund. People are receiving other people's money.

The government doesn't print the money .The federal reserve does.



I was thinking universally. The US Federal Reserve is unique isn't it? In most cases the "government" prints money. There is the cost of extraction and processing of oil. It is what it is. Then the state of Alaska wishes to enrich its citizens with money from oil revenues. That money becomes part of the cost of doing business and it is passed on to consumers who buy the oil.

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