psychotropic drugs could be stopped without causing any harm and with little loss of benefits,

in #discussion7 years ago

saving hundreds of thousands of lives
It's not guns that are responsible for mass's drugs.

  • .Peter C. Gøtzsche, MD, Nordic Cochrane Centre, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark, believes these medications offer few benefits compared with placebo and may cause more than half a million deaths per year in the United States and Europe.
    Consequently, 98% of psychotropic drugs should be dropped. These include all antidepressant, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and dementia drugs and all but 6% of the antipsychotics and benzodiazepines currently in use.
    "Because psychotropic drugs are immensely harmful when used long term, they should almost exclusively be used in acute situations and always with a firm plan for tapering off, which can be difficult for many patients," Dr Gøtzsche argues.

Psychiatric Medications Kill More Americans than Heroin

Psychiatric Drugs and Mass Shootings Merits Investigation:

School Shooters & Stabbings Committed by those on Psychiatric Drugs

Military Suicides & Homicides - The Dangers of Psychiatric Drugs

Do Antidepressants and Other Psychiatric Drugs Kill a Half Million .

Legal Prescription drugs


I know that psychotropic drugs directly cause many deaths, and far more injuries.

That being said, they aren't the reason for heinous crimes, at least not without additional influences coming to bear.

The extraordinary stresses involved in mentally deranging people is a far more significant factor in inducing homicidal rage, IMHO. People contort their minds into all manner of unreasonable miscegenations, as I'm sure you'll agree. There are various ways to induce this, although you refuse to believe large organizations are competent to undertake successful complex plans. At least that's how I understand your stance on the Iron Law of Bureaucracy, the Monkeysphere, etc...

I feel that such incapacity of institutions is as overstated as the malign influence of psychopharmaceuticals is understated. I observe ongoing successful projects to get people to believe all manner of drivel that require thousands of people to cooperate to achieve, and this indicates that there are ways to enable large groups of people to work together effectively, or at least not without achieving goals and targets.

Ahywho, once people are terribly harmed by their mental response to incessant and harmful propaganda, then subjected to traumatic events that shock their minds, and THEN misprescribed some psychoactive substance that would be contraindicated for their particular physiology if doctors really had any idea of the particulars of how their individual brain worked (which doctors don't), anything can happen.

Most of that harm and derangement is caused by events, not the drugs. It's straws on camel's backs. Sometimes that dose is the straw.

I'm sure you can think of examples of things besides drugs deranging people dangerously, even if you were only in the chair force. That's a pressure cooker too, and I am confident you will now recall examples of folks going off their nut without being first prescribed Dammitall.

Agreed there are better alternatives for fighting mental illness.

those drugs CAUSE mental illness.

No, they don't do shit at all, they are just created to make money, just like visiting a therapist is stupid because he will tell you that you are a victim and so sad and bla to make cash out of you for as long as possible.

Society is the beginning of mental illness & degeneration, society is an illness itself.

Working 9-5, getting brainwashed, being controlled by the government and being ashamed for your gender is a very potent mix for mental illness.

The monkeysphere (got that from you) aka tribe life is good for the soul, civilization on the other hand equals spiritual death.

"No, they don't do shit..."

i observe you are unlikely to be speaking from personal experience, as I can so speak, and do affirm they do plenty to your brain. I might agree with you entirely that they are a means to profit, but they are also a potent means of crafting mindsets, particularly when coupled with therapy and incessant propaganda, which they almost always are.

well then..they DO do (see what I did there?) shit.
really BAD shit.
I think what he meant was they don't do anything GOOD.

I hafta point out that every tool can be a weapon, and the reverse is also true.

Just as being stabbed in the chest can kill you, if done for nefarious purposes, it can also save your life, if a surgeon does it.

While every drug can be misprescribed (and few are misprescribed more often that psych meds, cuz doctors know so damn little about the brains they are prescribing them for) and misused, every drug also can do good.

Some less often. I'm not disagreeing with the general thrust of your thesis, that most of the applications of these drugs are inappropriate, but cannot agree that they are utterly without utility.

It really matters who is using them, and why, just like it does with baseball bats, knives, guns, and big trucks.

I for a long time did not believe that psychotropic drugs were necessary, or that they even worked, I did not want my child to be on a medication for his whole life... at a very young age we had issues with anxiety, Councerler’s for a few years , I decided we would try a medication! Within 24 hours my child was a totally different person! He came out of his shell!! Only on them for about a year! Because like I said I didn’t think or believe he needed them his whole like , just a lil push to help get over a bump in the road! That was years ago! My child is now a , intelligent , giving gift to our society . Now a days they put kids on these drugs and instead of taper off of them they just raise them up to crazy amounts! I do believe mental illness is a problem in our world & people do need help. Just my thoughts.. thank you for sharing this ! I hope I didn’t go to far off of topic! But this is what came to Mind when I read this.. have a blessed day! ☺️

would canabis have been any worse?

I’m not sure.... but at that time I was just so desperate to have my child be able to interact with others and be a happy kid.. but I would have tried anything at the time.. I happened to be in Colorado , but that was not even an option provided to me back then..

The anandamide pathways in the brain aren't the only ones, and myriad things complicate how it all works.

I strongly agree that psychotropic drugs are widely abused for profit, but each of them has a particular mechanism that can benefit those whose brains require it.

Cannabis is good for a lot of things, but it's not the only thing that's able to be good. While it would take ludicrous effort, it could be used to kill someone. Just not in a dose that is even possible under normal circumstances.

cannabis is much milder
it does approximately the same thing with much less potential to damage the patient.
or so I've been told...I have no personal experience.

Our brains have specific pathways and receptors, and cannabinoids interact with the anandamide pathways. The plasticity of the brain and of people in general do make the many alkaloids in cannabis useful, even for problems that don't involve that specific pathway, because it doesn't matter which straw you take off a camels back, and we respond to stresses as a whole, as well as specifically.

All that being said, knowing the particular problem can potentiate using a particular tool to address it, and for some folks specific drugs will directly impact their issue.

Doctors today just have no idea. They just sling cocktails at you, and then see if any of them work. God forbid any of them do harm, but as you point out, and is impossible to avoid with such blind prescribing, some do incredible harm to certain folks.

I compare doctors prescribing psych meds to human cavemen waking up on a new world and trying to figger out how to hunt. They just start clubbing stuff until they manage to take something down. If it's good to eat, they'll start clubbing those things, and hit them in the same spots.

When they are confronted with some other thing, they'll try first what they know worked. If it doesn't work on the new thing, they'll experiment by clubbing it all over, until they figger out what works, or it figgers out how to make them stop clubbing it.

That's pretty much how doctors prescribe psych meds today.

It is caused by lethal pills, it affects the nervous synapse 'where a powerful neurotransmitter is sent to the brain that leads to loss of mind, and gradually leads to inevitable death.@everittdmickey

yup, legal prescriptions when used as directed by your doctor kill 100,000 Americans from known side effects annually.

I think that is when you include all the overdoses and mis-prescribed drugs and unknown side effects as well but I could be wrong.

even so if the drugs are not prescribed and taken none of that happens.
if a placebo is given there is no noticeable difference from the drug.
drink a beer...relax man.
or smoke some side effects..(in moderation)

Here in MA the funding for the efforts to oppose pot legalization came from the pharmaceutical, alcohol and gambling industries; legal cannabis is a direct threat to their revenue. For some reason a woman from the beet industry was also there making absurd claims about cannabis being dangerous. I suppose no one would bother growing beets if they could grow cannabis instead.

Maybe she was just personally deranged, or the beet industry lobby is.

I hadda laugh as I tried to figure out why there would be beet loyalists that don't wanna grow that upstart cannabis.



don't mess with Big Beet.


You're pretty good at making me laugh about Beets.

I imagine a superhero in a beet costume...


I have to point out that statistics don't speak to personal experiences. I have PTSD. There was a time when various drugs proved helpful. I cannot say what change that might have made in statistics, but any would be negligible, as I am but one data point.

I assure you that drinking a beer and chillaxing isn't the same thing.

dunno what chillaxing is
have a whisky.

I need to re-up. Down to one last shot.

I hadda go mug my clients for my pay. Not literally mug, but I don't like having to track people down to get my money from them. It's one way I can sort out good folks from less good folks.

Some people will track you down to pay you.

They are generally good folks.

Exactly my point. I totally agree with Dr Gøtzsche. The fact is mental illness on its own might not even kill the person, but side effect can take down the whole of Michigan. Pathetic

Many people are in stressed in U.S i dont know why! but their ratio seems to be higher than developing nations, it might be effect of their social or cultural outcomes. the article and the links..

I read it! thats why, they use all the drugs on daily basis, U.S is full of sterioid or maybe i am just too much in a dramatic shape. :-D

It may not be apparent from elsewhere, but the social pressure and propaganda takes a severe toll. Mentally deranging people until they willingly offer up their children to schools that groom them for hypersexualization, gender fluidity, and utter subservience to the state causes harsh cognitive dissonance, which severely stresses people.

The danger and crime of child isn't done by that child in Florida, the stories behind his act of crimes are responsible. but we neever take stand to find.

The enemedia are demonstrably lying to us, and we can't believe a word they say or print.

The only way to find out the truth is to physically go there and spend the time and treasure to do the research, and even then, you'll find lots of liars trying to fool you.

Most of us that weren't there and don't know anyone that was just take it all with large doses of salt, and stick to our knitting.

This is very insightful and informative. Many people are exposed to the hazard of drug prompting them to use gun which people then blame instead of the taken drug that has wrecked havoc before gunning.
I love this!!!
It's education

Definitely very good point; as it says people; "The medicine is worse than the disease". Now the key is to know how to regulate the medical prescription (great responsibility for psychiatrists) and how to keep records and control of this type of patients who consume psychotropic drugs. The State should take this information seriously.

the state is the problem
NOT the solution.

Definitely a big problem

Those drugs have adverse effect and need to be properly reviewed before administering. Thanks for the update

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