One Year In, The Russia Investigations Keep Leading Back

in #discussion6 years ago

To The Investigators

Perhaps it's time to stop investigating and start prosecuting?

Oddly enough...Mueller indicted some Russians.
The Russians appeared in court.
Mueller didn't...he stonewalled.

  • Adding insult to injury, a New York Sun editorial posits the special counsel could find itself facing litigation from Concord Management under the “Hyde Amendment” concerning frivolous criminal prosecutions. Russia will certainly be laughing.
    At worst we may see our national security truly threatened by Concord’s discovery process, a legitimate concern that when now invoked will be harder to take seriously. How many times have we seen “national security” concerns raised during the Russiagate saga by the Department of Justice and FBI, only to reveal that the true concern is the job security of those invoking it?

I am more concerned about the TWITTER DON getting confused from the lack of oxygen needed to support the living thing on his head he calls hair, and hits the SEND button on the Nuclear Option instead of Send on Twitter

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