Ocassional Cortex

in #discussion6 years ago


That's what she does. A girl that doesn't have the skill to run a daycare was elected by NewYorkers to the Congress of the United States. Come to think of it she'll fit right in. After all what is the Congress other than a collection of whiny babies?


Her whole platform she campaigned on is a joke. She actually believed that Universal Healthcare results in immortality and when challenged by Ben Shapiro to a debate she accused him of catcalling her. To be frank, she acts akin to a monkey in office. Quite frankly, I'd take the monkey over her!

and when she was asked where to get the money to pay for her very expensive proposals she had no idea.

The country elected someone who has gone bankrupt several times, been divorced and sued... what does that say about the voters more than the elected?

ps. I don't know if you would appreciate someone mocking your name as in Avert dee Mickey or something instead of what it truly is.... just saying

I agree..there's a lot of things that you don't know.
Confession is good for the soul.

speaking of names
Some people use their own names.
Other's, dare I say cowardly, don't?

Or maybe wisely avoid being exposed to hackers and extortionists

like antifa?
good idea.
What do you do when they come to your house and attempt to break in your front door.
They did that to Tucker Carlson's wife in DC.

you may have heard of the KKK?
the terrorist arm of the democratic party that was started shortly after the republicans took the slaves away from the democrats?

are antifa and the kkk ok?

Seems that back in those days, the two parties had their ideologies reversed. And as far people going to their homes, or send mail bombs for any political ideology is wrong. Violence begets Violence, so that one book or quote goes, live by the sword die by the sword.
But Anonymity can be your friend when you're spewing crap or have things other might want like gold or btc or steem.

Anonymity can be your friend when you're spewing crap
Confession is good for the soul. I'm surprised that you would admit that. Very good.

the two parties had their ideologies reversed
liberals (the democrats) 'back in those days' would be classified as conservatives, by todays standards. Rather EXTREME in fact.
The Republicans would be considered reactionary by today's standards.

The Democrats today would be considered Radical Batshit Crazy Insane psychotics by the standards of 'those days'. Today's Republicans would be considered liberal.

It seems the political ideology is moving left.

Avert dee Mickey
Dee is the initial for my middle name, so that's correct..
"Avert" is phonetic for Everitt....so that's correct too.
try harder...this pathetic attempt at mockery demonstrates a serious lack of imagination.

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