Obama Takes Credit

in #discussion6 years ago

for the Economy

Small-business optimism highest ever; Tops Reagan...

Job openings climb to record 6.9 million...

Plan Makes Tax Cuts Permanent...

Vegas booming again...

If the Dhmikrats take control of congress again..the economy will do what it did the last time they were in control.


Obama created 2 things.... the Arab Spring and ISIS

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Obama hates the USA.

Obama hates Democracy and he hates Jesus Christ with a passion of hatred. He is the Anti-Christ

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Obama worships only Allah the dark Moon god of death.

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Obama still has no idea what wand Trump waved!

The litany of sound bites of Illbama justifying failure just shows how much fertiliser that spills from his mouth.

Trump is the Driver of this Economy. And the USA has never done better. Thanks to Trump.

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Trump doesn't so much 'drive' the economy as give it free reign.
He's lifted restrictions, regulations, and lowered taxes.
Those are all good things for an economy.
the more the better.

..... the best drivers use Cruise Control.

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I'm a retired trucker...2.5 millions miles.
my experience does NOT support that assertion.
the best drivers pay attention to what the fuck is going on..
they don't use cruise control or auto-magic transmixers.
they have a 'feel' for the road and the conditions.
and act accordingly.
they don't text while driving...or 'other things'.

so your analogy breaks down.
the economy is WAY too complex to 'manage'.
just turn it loose...it works every time it's been tried.

That was my analogy.

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