in #discussion6 years ago (edited)

The impending death of Seattle

  • One week after passing a head tax on major businesses located in Seattle, the Seattle City Council is now considering an enormous property tax on the people who work at those businesses..................homeowners already saw a bump of 17 percent in their property taxes in 2017, but City Council members want property taxes increased even more:

  • This is how Leftist governance destroys thriving major cities. First, you create building codes. That raises rents. Then you increase minimum wage to compensate. That drives out small businesses. Then you tax the big businesses to compensate. So they leave. Then you tax homeowners to compensate. So they leave. Eventually, bad governance based on good intentions crushes growth.


Detroit comes to mind. There are parallels.

Detroit was at one time called 'motor city'....automobiles more.

At one time Seattle more.

Seattle lucked out because when Boeing left it was replaced by MicroSoft, Amazon and other computer/internet based companies.

Now Seattle is running THEM out.


Seattle struggling to pay for bike lanes,

Bicyclists don't pay road tax. The money to build their bike lanes has to come from somewhere.

Seattle moves from soaking the rich to … soaking everyone else

Guess who get's to pay?


The Seattle area is my home. It's becoming harder and harder to make a living even in the northern towns. When Seattle becomes to expensive, Seattle natives come to my home town and drive up our housing prices, food prices, and everything you can think of. All of these decisions made by Seattle are decided by 4 people. THATS RIGHT, I SAID 4 F***ING PEOPLE. I'm afraid one day my family and I are going to have to pack up and leave. I'll never understand why so few people get to make decisions that Impact millions. My mind is blown.

When Seattle becomes to expensive, Seattle natives come to my home town and drive up our housing prices, food prices, and everything you can think of.

Much like californians and texas.

The socialists escape from california because the prices and taxes are too high. Then they cause the taxes and prices to increase here.

socialism is a disease.

It's pretty sad to watch. I recently found out there's people trying to get the $15 minimum wage here in FL. I really hope it doesn't happen but if it does I guess I will finally move somewhere else. Main reason I stay is our lack of state income tax.

there's not many states that don't have state income tax.

Man that is too bad I hear great things about Seattle.

The leftist governance is THICK up here in Canada and all I see is the real skilled labor headed down to the USA because that is where the money is, and taxes aren't (by comparison)

Half complain about the tax breaks given to corporations, then don't question the increase in available jobs when the corporations are rewarded for sticking around.

I could CERTAINLY use a more moderate income and property tax plan like in many states.

Government money only comes from 1 place.....taxes. So they arbitrarily will lean on the tax payers when they need more money. Typical.

corporations...or business of any kind don't pay taxes.
it might appear so but in reality they pass the expense on to the consumer.

Unless you are a farmer..

same thing.
taxes are business expenses.
if your out-go exceeds your income.
you're not in business for very long.

Of course! They are both run by the rich working to get richer. Keep the profit at the highest level and let pittance and shit travel downhill.

actually that's not true.
you thinking has been infected by socialism.
I recommend therapy.
don't delay...your condition is serious.

Pierce County, is inviting those business to move south just a few miles and receive a tax incentive. :-)

Imagine what would happen if Amazon accepts their offer?

It's called the Road to Serfdom. Socialist measures create poverty, which clueless liberal politicians try to solve with more socialist measures... Rinse and repeat until murderous communist dictatorship is achieved.

thank you science written, hopefully be a lesson, God bless you

good friend I think taxes are necessary in all parts of the world is a way for the government to collect money to pay for many works, but I think it should not be the same for each person company or institution, I think they should place a tax according to the agreement If a person receives little his tax is little if he receives much his tax according to what he receives, that way he will equalize, the payment to both the low and high class and it would not affect them much, sometimes in states like your country that have their own autonomy and taxes are different in each city, I never agreed with that, but good your country is wonderful is one of the best in the world and how I would like to live there despite the fact that in Venezuela is a happiness not pays taxes people do what they want, because fixate we are very involved in development, that's why we are third-world, good friend everittmickey publication

taxation is theft.

chickens are coming home to roost . too much loans , too much borrowing , American dream illusion , living beyond your means ...

we should stamp it out.

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