Hello. My name is Dave

in #discussion7 years ago

and I came from a shit-hole country

  • South Africa being a shit-hole and bad America was. I was born there, and eventually migrated to Australia, of which I am now a proud citizen, and which I love, and try my best to pay back for its enormous generosity in taking us in. Now, South Africa is a beautiful country, with some fine people… but the ANC have presided over it now having one of the highest murder and rape stats of any country in the world not at war. Corruption is endemic, and racial hatred – both white on black and black on white – if anything is worse than at the end of apartheid. Public Health is in a sad state, and education isn’t much to write home to mother about, principally because ‘writing’ might be challenge, and mother (adult education is a neglected disgrace) still can’t read. There are squatter camps, squalor, mud huts without toilets in the bush. Electrical grids are failing, potable water is a major problem. There are good patches of course. There are things which have improved. But it’s only not a shit-hole when compared to places like Zimbabwe. Any criticism from it is like a serial child rapist and murderer complaining about you saying ‘shut up’ to your kid.

I do not know if I'm wrong, but it's similar to what we live in venzuela right now, it's sad

socialism is a disease.

Man, i love this post...

Awesome post

You uphold History back..... changing nations, changed countries, exquisite discussion!

The sad part is that some of the worst countries in the world to live in have been highly meddled with in their elections.

must be true ....hollyweird wouldn't deceive us.

Another expat, Ilana Mercer, wrote a whole book on how bad South Africa's gotten:

"Into The Cannibal's Pot".

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