Grand dreams and big promises fall apart in the real world?

in #discussion6 years ago

Dhmikrat for President

Politicians . The only thing they understand about Busses is throwing people under them.

The mayor of Los Angeles wants to run for president. He'd best not run on his record. He spent a quarter Billion dollars on Chinese electric Busses...that do not work.

Not a PROBLEM...raise taxes. other news..............

California Exodus.
Lots of (productive) people are leaving California.


He is fiscally irresponible, politically cancerous, uses his math skills to crash the special olympics, and doesn't live in the real World!

Sound like a PERFECT DummyCrap Candidate to me!

2020 is going to be hot. I heard he has an edge over other candidates and I'm yet find out why

Insanity is defined as doing the same thing, over and over, and expecting a different result.
Kalifornia elects Dhmikrats...
bad things happens.
Kalifornia keeps electing dhmikrats...
go figure.

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