"Employees must wash hands

in #discussion6 years ago (edited)

before returning to work."
  • "people can become infected [with cyclospora] by consuming food or water contaminated with the microscopic parasite." Good to know.

What health officials haven't admitted is that the only way for that particular parasite to end up on the veggies is through the hands of workers contaminated with the contents of plague-ridden intestines.


I may never eat out again.


I'm trying to avoid eating salads - raw foods if not washed properly can have some nasty surprises

eat fried foods...they're much safer.

lol, but I often find the best part of your non-fiction posts are the comment section. I love it that you are not pc and not apologetic. If more people were like you, it may sound strange, but the truth is, this would actually be a nicer world.

I am surprised that McDonald have not marketed this problem as a great method for those who just cannot seem to lose weight, whatever they do. They could even guarantee loss of weight with a toy prize for each five kilos lost...

Thank you.
I tag many of my posts as 'discussion'. That would be the whole Idea.

You see the folks out picking vegetables but you don't see any bathrooms. I hear there are actually some efforts to put portapotties out in the fields to reduce disease.

As a result, at Illinois and Iowa McDonald's restaurants, 90 people were recently infected with the Cyclospora parasite. For those who don't know, the most common symptom of cyclospora is watery diarrhea, appetite and weight loss, intestinal pain, nausea, and fatigue.

To be fair that happens to me anyways whenever I eat McDonalds.

Politics I don't like because in my country due to bad politics I lost a lot it's a not good I want in every country in place of politics army fake charge

Why you never eat out again. @everittdmickey can you explain what happened actually,

I am following you,

read the linked article then get back with me.

They are People like us, we just need to spread knowledge , awareness and maintain a check on all the big names. Big names are mostly involved in such carelessness because we assume they are perfect and safe just because they are a big brand .
Or just simply cook our food ourself at home and save ourselves all this trouble

They are People like us
I don't know about you but I was potty trained.

Even if They were not potty trained, does that make them less like us? With "They are people like Us" I meant, they just need more awareness and a check and balance on them. Its responsibility of those big brands to insure that their staff are not being this careless for whatever the reason

yup..it makes them less like me.
I don't know about you.

well, nothing makes any one less of a human. Save yourself the argument, eat at home

actions make people less than human.
deeds..not words..

There are so many aspects to think of, if We are eating out, one of which You only shared. Restaurant industry doesn't seem to learn, are same everywhere. Time to encourage eating only at home (y)

either that..or only eat at places you trust.
Places that you know who works there and how they act.

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