"Did Mike Pence Buy A Diet Dr.Pepper For A Woman

in #discussion7 years ago

That Was Not His Wife?"
The horror..the horror.

  • If only abortion were retroactive, we could suitably deal with monsters like Senator Al Franken (D – MN), who apparently ventured to apply a breast adjustment to a female colleague asleep on the military airplane winging them home from USO duty in Afghanistan. This was back in the day when Senator Franken was a professional entertainer, a clown to be precise, but his career shift to politics has rendered all his prior clowning anathema.
    It’s not a joke
  • Dowd has tried to spin Franken’s actions as not being harassment or abuse because he was “joking”, or some other equally stupid explanation

As long as he didnt spike the Pepper with date rape pills, I think buying a non-alcoholic drink for someone is usually called "being a good samaritan".

Franken is a joke that isnt funny.

That's nothing... Donald Trump ordered 2 scoops of ice cream and others only had1- talk about income inequality!!!

Who was paying for the IceCream?

Hard to say... My guess would be- not a Democrat!

Ever notice that when a democrat gets in trouble the other democrats and the press (but I repeat myself)'circle the wagons' and go on the defensive? They protect the poor lad.

Ever notice that when a republican gets in trouble the other republicans throw him to the wolves?

Some woman on MSNBC came out with "It wasn't really groping." I don't know how, it looks pretty clear to me.

It wasn't RAPE rape (whoopie goldberg)

"He only stuck it part way in!"

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