Did Google Staff Try To Fix

in #discussion6 years ago (edited)

the 2016 Election for Clinton?

Did FaceBook?

Did Twitter?

  • Google’s Multicultural Marketing department head, Eliana Murillo. In the four-page email, Murillo describes how she and her coworkers engaged in “non-partisan activities” to boost Latino voting turnout. However, Murillo slipped up and admitted that despite Google’s “political power,” only “71% of Latinos voted for Hillary, and that wasn’t enough.”

Twitter silences the voices of dissent.
Twitter bans Alex Jones and InfoWars permanently

Facebook too

Former Facebook Workers: We Routinely Suppressed Conservative ...

The so called evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians is fake
The Trump Dossier Is Fake -- And Here Are The Reasons Why


Looking in the WRONG PLACE.

New Revelations of Pro-Hillary Collusion at Google

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