DeCentralize the Internet

in #discussion6 years ago

BlockChain Coming Thru

Social Media

  • Today, a site and its database are one entity. In the decentralized version, the database doesn't belong to its creators; it belongs to its community, and that community can build lots of different business models on top of the database.
    Think of it like this: if the web had been decentralized from the beginning, you could have made your first social media profile on Friendster in 2003. Then, when MySpace came along, you wouldn't need to create a new profile, you'd just give MySpace permission to access the one you had already made for Friendster. Same thing for Facebook.

GoodBye EBay

  • peer-to-peer marketplaces, taking the power away from the companies that run them and giving it back to the buyers and sellers. As a result, more value is distributed back to the actual user."

So Long YouTube

  • "Bittorrent — with more than 250 million users worldwide — has been already proven to be capable of delivering good quality content in a decentralized and compelling manner,"

Disrupt the Music Monopolizers
Peer to Peer again...Form artist DIRECTLY to the Fan


Isn't Kim Dotcom's idea for an alternative internet similar to the idea of a decentralized internet?

I loved this post and completely agree with your thoughts. Decentralize the internet and allow us to truly regain our internet freedom. The time for companies like eBay, and YouTube should be over. Disrupt the Music Monopolizers! I love it! Peer to peer is the only way the music service should work. We as sovereign beings deserve to benefit from our actions and with the blockchain this will be possible. I have just followed your blog, so I can stay informed with your excellent posts on Steemit. I have also just resteemed this post so my steemit followers can enjoy your awesome posts and knowledge as well. Thank You for sharing with post! Have a great weekend!

thank you. I'm glad you like it.

This stuff is the future. #SOVEREIGNTY

Great post, I too would love to eliminate the government :) Oh, wait, I see, yes, the internet could use that as well

Eventually I think
At the very least it will make governments MUCH smaller.

The first paragraph of your post thought me something that had been confusing me for a long time.that is the clear different between a site with it's database and a decentralize version of i know the difference.thanks for widen my horizen and happy to learn a new thing today.i will stay tune to tap from your wisdom as usual.

you're welcome.

Use of the blockchain would prevent scumbags like the h1-b working for Twitter that decided to "shadow ban" conservatives and anyone else he didn't like and brag about it. Just another reason that the leftist (aka anti-freedom) crowd want more third worlders here.

dunno what third worlders have to do with it.
would that be Venus or Mars?

It because they are less prone to understand or care about freedom of speech since they do not have it where they come from.

This is amazing I supporting you.

Great post man. Upvoted and followed!

I used to think this could become a $1 trillion dollar empire but maybe it's 10 trillion? lol

Steemit is like 10 trillion times better than fascist boo. That's for sure!

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